Languages - Christopher Newport University

Areas of Study


We offer a bachelor of arts degree in general foreign languages with majors and minors in classical studies (the study of ancient languages and cultures), French, German, and Spanish. We also offer four interdisciplinary minors and master of arts in teaching programs in Spanish and English as a Second Language (ESL).

Students majoring in French who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, General Foreign Languages.

Modern Languages Core

  • Select one:
    • MLAN 203 - International Folktales in English Translation
    • MLAN 205 - The Novel in English Translation
    • MLAN 206 - The Drama in English Translation
    • MLAN 207 - International Cinema
  • MLAN 310 - Texts in Context
  • MLAN 490W - Capstone Course in Modern Languages

Major and Elective Studies

  • FREN 310 - Practical French Phonetics
  • FREN 351 - Studies in the Early Modern Era
  • FREN 352 - Studies in the Modern Era
  • FREN 390 - Studies in French Literature
  • Select two:
    • FREN 301 - Grammar and Composition
    • FREN 303 - Reading and Writing Seminar in French
    • FREN 314 - Business French
  • Select one:
    • FREN 302 - Practical Conversation
    • FREN 308 - Conversation via Cinema
      (except native speakers who choose a 300-400 level FREN elective)
  • Choose two additional electives

Students majoring in German who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, General Foreign Languages.

Modern Languages Core

  • Select one:
    • MLAN 203 - International Folktales in English Translation
    • MLAN 205 - The Novel in English Translation
    • MLAN 206 - The Drama in English Translation
    • MLAN 207 - International Cinema
  • MLAN 310 - Texts in Context
  • MLAN 490W - Capstone Course in Modern Languages

Major and Elective Studies

  • GERM 301 - Grammar and Composition
  • GERM 303 - German Composition
  • GERM 311 - German Cultural History I
  • GERM 312 - German Cultural History II
  • Select one:
    • GERM 302 - Conversation and Comprehension
    • GERM 308 - Conversation via Cinema
      (except native speakers who choose a 300-400 level GERM elective)
  • Select one:
    • GERM 351 - Studies in the Early Modern Era
    • GERM 352 - Studies in the Modern Era
  • Choose three additional electives

Students majoring in Spanish who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, General Foreign Languages.

Modern Languages Core

  • Select one:
    • MLAN 203 - International Folktales in English Translation
    • MLAN 205 - The Novel in English Translation
    • MLAN 206 - The Drama in English Translation
    • MLAN 207 - International Cinema
  • MLAN 310 - Texts in Context
  • MLAN 490W - Capstone Course in Modern Languages

Major and Elective Studies

  • SPAN 301 - Grammar and Composition
  • Select one:
    • SPAN 303 - Spanish in the Digital Age
    • SPAN 314 - Business Spanish
    • SPAN 321 - Techniques of Translation and Interpretation
    • SPAN 330 - Spanish in the Community
  • Select two:
    • SPAN 303 - Spanish in the Digital Age
    • SPAN 314 - Business Spanish
    • SPAN 321 - Techniques of Translation and Interpretation
  • Select one:
    • SPAN 302 - Advanced Spanish Conversation
    • SPAN 308 - Conversation via Cinema
      (except native speakers who choose a 300-400 level SPAN elective)
  • Select two:
    • SPAN 351 - Exploring Identities: Approaches to the Spanish-Speaking Worlds
    • SPAN 352 - Power and Resistance: Approaches to the Spanish-Speaking Worlds
    • SPAN 353 - Beyond Borders: Approaches to the Spanish-Speaking Worlds
    • SPAN 354 - Urban and Natural Spaces: Approaches to the Spanish-Speaking Worlds
  • Select one:
    • SPAN 471 - Hispanic Visual Culture and the Arts [formerly SPAN 361, equivalent]
    • SPAN 472 - Hispanic Popular Culture [formerly SPAN 362, equivalent]
    • SPAN 473 - Hispanic Literature and Social Issues [formerly SPAN 363, equivalent]
  • Choose three additional electives

Core (3 credits)

  • MLAN 308 - Cross Cultural Awareness

Electives (18 credits)

At least 12 credits must be on the 300 level or higher, with no grades below C-.

  • FREN 101 - Beginning French I
  • FREN 102 - Beginning French II
  • FREN 195 - Special Topics
  • FREN 200 - Effective Communication in French
  • FREN 201 - Intermediate French I
  • FREN 202 - Intermediate French II
  • FREN 295 - Special Topics
  • FREN 301 - Grammar and Composition
  • FREN 302 - Practical Conversation
  • FREN 303W - Process Writing
  • FREN 308 - Conversation via Cinema
  • FREN 310 - Practical French Phonetics
  • FREN 314 - Business French
  • FREN 314 - Business French [Formerly FREN 305, equivalent]
  • FREN 351 - Studies in the Early Modern Era
  • FREN 352 - Studies in the Modern Era
  • FREN 353 - Francophone Literature and Culture
  • FREN 354 - French Women Writers
  • FREN 370 - CNU Seminar Abroad
  • FREN 390 - Studies in French Literature
  • FREN 395 - Special Topics
  • FREN 490 - Practicum
  • FREN 495 - Special Topics
  • FREN 499 - Independent Study

  • MLAN 308 - Cross Cultural Awareness
  • 18 credits in German above the 100 level, at least 12 of which must be on the 300 level or higher, with no grades below C-. No specific German courses are required.
    • GERM 101 - Beginning German I
    • GERM 102 - Beginning German II
    • GERM 195 - Special Topics
    • GERM 200 - Effective Communication in German
    • GERM 201 - Intermediate German I
    • GERM 202 - Intermediate German II
    • GERM 295 - Special Topics
    • GERM 301 - Grammar and Composition
    • GERM 302 - Conversation and Comprehension
    • GERM 303W - Intensive Writing in German
    • GERM 308 - Conversation via Cinema
    • GERM 311 - German Cultural History
    • GERM 311 - German Cultural History I
    • GERM 312 - German Cultural History II
    • GERM 314 - Business German
    • GERM 351 - Studies in the Early Modern Era
    • GERM 352 - Studies in the Modern Era
    • GERM 370 - CNU Seminar Abroad
    • GERM 395 - Special Topics
    • GERM 490 - Practicum
    • GERM 495 - Special Topics

  • GREK 101 - Beginning Ancient Greek I
  • GREK 102 - Beginning Ancient Greek II
  • GREK 201 - Intermediate Ancient Greek I
  • Select four courses (12 credits) from:
    • CLST 201 - The Mythic Imagination
    • CLST 211 - Ancient Athens
    • CLST 271 - Creative Expressions in Ancient Greece
    • CLST 301 - Ancient Greek and Roman Theater
    • CLST 302 - Ancient Epic
    • CLST 311 - Ancient Greek Art
    • HIST 301 - The Ancient Greeks
    • HIST 403 - Ancient Persia

Core (12 credits)

  • Select four:
    • LATN 200 - Latin and Its Living Legacy
    • LATN 202 - Intermediate Latin II
    • LATN 295 - Special Topics
    • LATN 301 - Lyric and Elegiac Poetry
    • LATN 302 - Roman Historians
    • LATN 303 - Roman Orators
    • LATN 304 - Epic Poetry
    • LATN 306 - Epistles
    • LATN 395 - Special Topics
    • LATN 401 - Lyric and Elegiac Poetry
    • LATN 402 - Roman Historians
    • LATN 403 - Roman Orators
    • LATN 404 - Epic Poetry
    • LATN 406 - Epistles
    • LATN 495 - Special Topics

Electives (6 credits)

  • Select two:
    • CLST 212 - Roman Culture
    • CLST 272 - The Roman Empire: Architecture and Ideology
    • CLST 302 - Ancient Epic
    • CLST 312 - Ancient Roman Art
    • CLST 415 - Resisting Rome [Formerly CLST 315, equivalent]
    • HIST 302 - The Roman Republic
    • LATN 301 - Lyric and Elegiac Poetry
    • LATN 302 - Roman Historians
    • LATN 303 - Roman Orators
    • LATN 304 - Epic Poetry
    • LATN 306 - Epistles
    • LATN 395 - Special Topics
    • LATN 401 - Lyric and Elegiac Poetry
    • LATN 402 - Roman Historians
    • LATN 403 - Roman Orators
    • LATN 404 - Epic Poetry
    • LATN 406 - Epistles
    • LATN 495 - Special Topics

  • MLAN 308 - Cross Cultural Awareness
  • 18 credits in Spanish above the 100 level, at least 12 of which must be on the 300 level or higher, with no grades below C-. No specific Spanish courses are required.
    • SPAN 101 - Beginning Spanish I
    • SPAN 102 - Beginning Spanish II
    • SPAN 195 - Special Topics
    • SPAN 200 - Effective Communication in Spanish
    • SPAN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I
    • SPAN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II
    • SPAN 295 - Special Topics
    • SPAN 301 - Grammar and Composition
    • SPAN 302 - Advanced Spanish Conversation
    • SPAN 303 - Advanced Grammar & Composition
    • SPAN 303 - Advanced Grammar and Composition [Formerly SPAN 303W, not equivalent]
    • SPAN 308 - Conversation via Cinema
    • SPAN 314 - Business Spanish
    • SPAN 321 - Techniques of Translation and Interpretation
    • SPAN 330 - Spanish in the Community
    • SPAN 351 - Exploring Identities: Approaches to the Spanish-Speaking Worlds
    • SPAN 352 - Power and Resistance: Approaches to the Spanish-Speaking Worlds
    • SPAN 353 - Beyond Borders: Approaches to the Spanish-Speaking Worlds
    • SPAN 354 - Urban and Natural Spaces: Approaches to the Spanish-Speaking Worlds
    • SPAN 370 - CNU Seminar Abroad
    • SPAN 395 - Special Topics
    • SPAN 471 - Hispanic Visual Culture and the Arts [formerly SPAN 361, equivalent]
    • SPAN 471 - Hispanic Visual Culture and the Arts
    • SPAN 472 - Hispanic Popular Culture [formerly SPAN 362, equivalent]
    • SPAN 473 - Hispanic Literature and Social Issues [formerly SPAN 363, equivalent]
    • SPAN 490 - Practicum
    • SPAN 495 - Special Topics
Accessible Undergraduate Catalog

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