Dance, minor - Christopher Newport University

Areas of Study

Dance, minor

  • Select one sequence of two courses:
    • DANC 204* and 304 - Ballet I and Ballet II
    • DANC 206 and 306 - Modern Dance I and Modern II
    • DANC 260 and 360 - African Dance in the Diaspora and Afro-Caribbean
    • DANC 330* and 430 - Dance Styles for the Musical Theatre and Advanced Dance Styles
  • Select two:
    • DANC 204* - Ballet I
    • DANC 205 - Classic Jazz Technique
    • DANC 206 - Modern Dance I
    • DANC 207 - Beginning Tap
    • DANC 304 - Ballet II
    • DANC 306 - Modern II
    • DANC 330* - Dance Styles for the Musical Theatre
    • DANC 360 - Afro-Caribbean Dance
  • Select one:
    • DANC 240 - Dance Composition
    • DANC 260 - African Dance in the Diaspora
    • DANC 340WI - Dance History and Contemporary Perspectives
  • Select one performance and/or production course:
    • DANC 381* - Production Dance

*Repeatable for credit

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