Board of Advisors - Christopher Newport University

Joseph W. Luter, III School of Business

Board of Advisors

The Luter School of Business Board of Advisors comprises local and regional executives and business owners in Virginia. Over the years, the board has served as a strategic sounding board for the school and has actively participated in shaping the direction of the program.

The board has several committees that oversee and provide guidance to the Luter School, including:

  • Strategic planning
  • Curriculum and academic standards
  • Student programs
  • Development and public relations
  • Nicole Hoadley
Executive Committee
  • Michael Jacobs
  • Kelli Purdy Meadows
  • Paul W. Muse
  • Laney Vaughan
  • Keith Windle
  • Mary C. Aldrich
  • Lauren Bochonok
  • Nate E. Childress, Jr.
  • Doug Davis
  • Jason Davis
  • Ed Desmond
  • Don Godwin
  • Lorraine K. Hall
  • Justin Hardwick
  • Justin Helou
  • KC Howell
  • Gilliam Hughes
  • Ann Hunnicutt
  • Karen R. Jackson
  • Eric Kean
  • Danielle Pinto
  • Jason Tone
  • Alan S. Witt
  • Charles Wornom
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