Majors and Minors - Christopher Newport University

Department of Communication

Majors and Minors

We offer a bachelor of arts, as well as a minor in communication. Coursework encourages intellectual development and emphasizes the importance of theory and research. You can mix and match courses that fit your interests and career goals from three areas:

Interpersonal studies
Examines the art and science of constructing messages we use to initiate, negotiate and maintain relationships

The study of the language and arguments used in public discourse, and how they influence people and communities

Critical media studies
Relates to the formation of cultural identity through and resistance to power inherent in cultural industries and media narratives.

You’ll also learn how to be more skilled and ethical producers of messages, both as professionals and as citizens in a democratic society. Areas of study also include an examination of politics, social policy and ethics.

Bachelor's-to-master's opportunity

Communication majors who meet certain requirements can take classes that count for credit both at Christopher Newport and in Old Dominion University's lifespan and digital communication master's degree program. These students then receive priority admission to ODU's program without having to take the GRE or pay an application fee.

Sample Courses

This course introduces the student to a theoretical and practical study of face-to-face, two-way communication. The course stresses methods of creating effective and efficient communication in family systems, friendships, love and work relationships.

Media institutions, practices and products are important venues for the examination of culture, ideology and the production of identity. This course will take everyday media and ask serious questions of its social impact. Specifically, this course examines the role of media in a person’s everyday life. Culture studies and media theories will enable students to be better critical consumers of the media.

This course explores social movements that have transformed or are in the process of transforming American society. The primary focus of the class is the rhetoric of change. We will primarily consider peaceful change, that is, the capacity of ordinary people to persuade others through speech, to voice their grievances and to articulate their challenge to a broader society.

Health communication research seeks to understand ways that communication affects (and is affected by) health, how communication can be used to make us healthy, how communication can affect health decision-making, and how communication in health and medical settings can affect the goals of health care professions.

Accessible Undergraduate Catalog
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