High School Composition Competition - Christopher Newport University

Department of Performing Arts - Music

High School Composition Competition

Christopher Newport University is proud to present the High School Composition Competition, a prestigious competition for outstanding high school composers. The Andrew Scott Bell Emerging Composer Awards will recognize the three most distinguished compositions. The first-place prize is $500, and the winning composition will be performed on March 23, 2024, by the Faculty Brass Quintet as part of Christopher Newport University’s Contemporary Music Festival. The second-place winner will receive $250, and the third-place winner will receive $100. All winners will receive a recording of their piece as performed by the CNU Faculty Brass Quintet. The adjudicators include composition faculty Dr. Seung-Hye Kim, Dr. Kelly Rossum, Dr. Maxwell Tfirn and CNU’s chapter president of the Society of Composers, Inc. 

Submission Procedures

  • Each applicant must submit a completed work for brass quintet.
  • The work should be no less than three minutes and no longer than six minutes.
  • The submitted score should be emailed in PDF format and should include either an attached live recording or a MIDI realization (.mp3 format)
  • Please include the following information along with your score:
    • Full name, phone number and email address
    • Mailing address (street, city, state and zip code)
    • Name of your high school and your year in school (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)

Deadline for submission: Friday, December 15, 2023.

Please email submissions to Dr. Kelly Rossum at kelly.rossum@cnu.edu or call with any questions (757) 594-8812.

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