Greg Poljacik - Christopher Newport University

Department of Performing Arts - Theatre and Dance

Greg Poljacik

Greg Poljacik

In addition to being the inventor of the secret recipe for Gravity & Momentum’s stage blood products, Poljacik has been working as a teacher, fight choreographer and stuntman for over a decade. He has been instrumental in the training of thousands of theatre students and professionals worldwide and has provided award-winning choreography for over two dozen theatre companies in Chicago.

When not doing stunts, Poljacik teaches stage combat at the Second City Training Center in Chicago and is a research consultant in the field of cognitive/behavioral neuroscience, focusing on high-performance athletics. Poljacik also has been a guest lecturer at Columbia University in Chicago, and has taught at regional workshops across the country, including co-coordinating the Winter Wonderland Workshop, the largest stage combat conference in the U.S.

Poljacik is a teacher with the United Stuntmen’s Association, a member of SAG/AFTRA, the Society of American Fight Directors, AGMA and LBP stunts Chicago. All of his work in the art of stage combat follows the principles of “safety, story, substance.”

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