Living and Learning Communities - Christopher Newport University

Living and Learning Communities

Making connections early on helps promote a positive first year. All freshmen enroll in a Living and Learning Community (LC) of 15 to 30 students, taking two to four classes together during the fall semester of their first year. Based on an area of academic interest, these courses – all required by the Liberal Learning Core Curriculum – set students on the path to graduating in four years.

By living near each other and forming study groups, LC members support each other during the college transition. This empowers them to take intellectual risks and participate more fully in class as they interact closely with faculty and an easily identifiable peer group.


Below are some sample LCs and their corresponding courses. For course descriptions, please see the Undergraduate Catalog.

How to Succeed in Business

  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Elementary Statistics
  • The Ancient and Medieval World
  • Investigating the Biological Bases of Behavior and Cognition

Humanity, Religion and the World

  • The Modern World
  • Religions of the East
  • Human Adaptation
  • Mathematical Excursions

Taking Care of Business

  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Calculus for Business and Social Sciences
  • Topics in Medicine and Health and Laboratory
  • The Modern World

Exploring Cultures

  • Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
  • The Mythic Imagination
  • Identity, Community and the Individual
  • How Things Work and Laboratory

Liberal Learning

  • Contemporary Mathematics
  • Investigating the Biological Bases of Behavior and Cognition
  • Early America to the Civil War
  • First-Year Writing Seminar

Ways of Communicating

  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Modern America: Reconstruction to Global Power
  • Introduction to Computing
  • World Art in Context
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