Experiential Learning - Christopher Newport University

President's Leadership Program

Experiential Learning

The President's Leadership Program will inspire you to take an active role in learning, serving and engaging on campus and in the local community. These experiences provide ample opportunities to observe leaders in action and develop your own leadership style.

Internships, community service, campus engagement and study abroad are just a few ways PLP students make a lasting impact.

There’s no better way to practice leadership than through real-world work experience.

Internships are a vital way to gain practical experience while building essential skills for your future. These experiences often place you closer to your desired career and can lead to full-time employment.

There are lots of opportunities near campus, and probably many right in your hometown. Students have interned with such organizations as Verizon Wireless and Busch Gardens. They’ve traveled to Africa, or stayed on campus and interned within the university.

We derive much of our leadership philosophy from Robert Greenleaf and his model of servant leadership: “Good leaders must first become good servants.” Servant leaders are those who:

  • Meet the needs of those they lead
  • Develop all individuals, bringing out the best in them
  • Coach others and encourage self-expression
  • Facilitate personal growth in all who work with them
  • Listen well to build a sense of community and joint ownership

PLP students are role models of civic engagement who perform meaningful service that impacts campus, Newport News and the world.

These experiences allow you to contribute to something larger than yourself – values-based projects that promote social change – from volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, tutoring local students or serving in countless other ways.

Being engaged at home is essential to leadership, and we place high value on campus involvement. All PLP students participate in at least one club, sport, Greek organization or university employment opportunity, while most participate in several.

Becoming engaged on campus allows you to explore your interests and passions. And with more than 200 academic, social, athletic, and other clubs and student organizations, Christopher Newport has something for everyone.

Many participants even become mentors and recruiters for future PLP students, passing on their knowledge and growing the larger campus leadership community.

Study abroad can be a life-changing experience. By traveling and studying overseas, you’ll learn a better understanding of the world and your place in it.

As a member of the President’s Leadership Program you’ll be eligible for study abroad scholarships from $1,000-$2,000. Select PLP students are chosen as Presidential Scholars and receive a $7,500 stipend to participate in a special study abroad program during the summer following their second year.

Visiting other countries and experiencing new cultures will help you grow as a global citizen. Many study abroad courses are for-credit and will expand your academic horizons as well.

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