Student Honor Council - Christopher Newport University

Center for Honor Enrichment and Community Standards

Student Honor Council

The Student Honor Council promotes a community of honor, integrity and personal responsibility at Christopher Newport. The council upholds the Honor Code and Student Code of Conduct by making decisions during the university’s conduct process in partnership with the Center for Honor Enrichment and Community Standards.

Members of the Honor Council are full-time students nominated by their peers, faculty and staff, and chosen to serve by the council president. Council members complete policy, procedures and sanctioning training throughout their service.

Honor Council members act as panel members supporting students who are going through the process, represent the university community, and participate in the following educational outreach and programming efforts:

  • Recruitment focuses on identifying and selecting new Honor Council members who represent the diversity of Christopher Newport.
  • Programming and outreach reaches out to the campus community to promote honor and integrity. Student Honor Council members also work with student groups and organizations, academic departments and administrative offices to share more about their role on campus and to be resources to the community.
  • Training involves planning and implementing programs for Student Honor Council members and for external groups. Student Honor Council members facilitate Welcome Week and Setting Sail freshman orientation sessions as well as help with student leader training.

Executive Board
The Student Honor Council executive board comprises the president, vice president, treasurer, chair of recruitment, and chair of programming and outreach.

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