Recreation Services - Christopher Newport University

Recreation Services

Christopher Newport offers a variety of programs and opportunities for students to compete and maintain healthy lifestyles. Recreation Services sponsors a wide array of exciting sports and activities to help you stay active after class.

Intramurals offer all students the opportunity to participate in leagues and tournaments on campus in the following sports:

  • Basketball
  • Dodgeball
  • Flag football
  • Sand volleyball
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Volleyball

Students can join a team and compete for a championship, or just play for fun. Championship T-shirts are one of the most coveted items on campus, and are proudly worn by the winners.

Playing a club sport is an excellent way to continue competing in the game you grew up playing without the pressures of varsity athletics. Clubs are student-led, and represent many interests, from traditional sports to special interest outdoor groups. Teams compete on a local, regional and national level. We sponsor the following club sports:

  • Basketball (men's and women's)
  • Cheer
  • Crossfitness
  • Equestrian
  • Field hockey
  • Fishing
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics
  • Hiking
  • Ice hockey (men’s)
  • Lacrosse (men’s and women’s)
  • Martial arts
  • Rowing
  • Rugby (men’s)
  • Running
  • Sand Volleyball
  • Scuba
  • Soccer (men’s and women’s)
  • Softball
  • Swimming
  • Table tennis
  • Tennis
  • Ultimate Frisbee (men's and women's)
  • Volleyball (men’s and women’s)

Visit The Compass, the online home for student organizations, for more information on teams.

Outdoor Adventure and Recreation promotes interest in and awareness of the outdoors. There is at least one trip each semester, with varying activities, including zip lining, skiing, hiking, white water rafting, and more!

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