Process & Timeline - Christopher Newport University

Office of Assessment and Accreditation

Process & Timeline

Developing and implementing a QEP is an approximately 9-year process that occurs in phases.

We began our new QEP process in August, 2024. The first year involves the QEP Topic Selection Committee evaluating institutional data and soliciting input from stakeholders. During fall 2024, the committee will compile the most relevant, viable and supported topics identified through data analysis and campus-wide idea-generation. In early spring 2025, the Committee will narrow the list to 5-6 topics that are strongly and broadly supported by data and stakeholders. Following that step in spring 2025, town halls, focus groups and additional surveys will be conducted with stakeholders across campus for feedback on the narrowed list of topics. Then, the Committee will engage in its final deliberations before sending its rationale for the top 2-4 topics to President Kelly for his ultimate selection. Once the QEP topic is determined, likely in early fall 2025, it will be announced to campus.

The second phase then kicks in with a QEP Topic Development Committee taking the lead. Members will conduct further institutional research and dig into the literature on the selected topic; develop goals, student learning outcomes, and action plans; and, develop an assessment plan that includes measurement tools. The committee will craft a 75-page proposal to submit to SACSCOC for review, which is due in January, 2027. Later in spring 2027, CNU will undergo an on-site visit from our SACSCOC reaccreditation team, during which further review of the proposed QEP will occur. Revisions to our QEP will be made based on the team’s feedback.

QEP implementation will begin in spring/fall 2027. This part of the process, along with data gathering and assessment running in tandem, will roll for about five years, taking us through spring 2032. At that point, the relevant QEP committee will draft an Impact Report to be submitted to SACSCOC in fall 2032, with the final version due in spring 2033 with CNU’s 5th year reaffirmation of accreditation materials.A visual representation of the process described in the text above this image.

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