Topic Criteria & Committee
Based on guidelines from SACSCOC and with consideration of CNU’s unique context, the Topic Selection Committee determined the following criteria to be met in order for a proposed topic to be considered:
- Focus on student learning and/or student success
- Align in some way with at least one of the four priorities of CNU’s Strategic Compass
- Be aspirational yet attainable
- Be realistic and feasible in terms of resources, with acknowledgement that required resources and capacity to provide them may not be fully known ahead of time
- Have relevance across a wide range of faculty and staff who engage directly with student learning and/or student success
- Be able to garner broad stakeholder support
- Have potential to impact a large number of students
- Address an important need that can be substantiated by internal data analysis and best practices
- Focus on one specific issue, as while there may be ancillary benefits the topic will not try to solve everything
Selection Committee
The QEP Topic Selection Committee was constituted with colleagues who bring useful expertise, experience, perspective, communication and listening skills, an impartial lens, and teamwork to the tasks of the first year. There are so many of our colleagues who also fit these criteria, but a committee has to be a manageable size while aiming for representation of relevant divisions and colleges. Thank you to these colleagues who agreed to dedicate their time and energy to getting CNU to our best possible QEP topic:
- Tressa Aulenbach – Associate Director of Assessment
- Ann Mazzocca Bellecci – Associate Professor, Theatre and Dance
- Becky Bromley-Trujillo – Associate Professor, Political Science
- Jeff Carney – Associate Professor, Molecular Biology and Chemistry
- Dae-Hee Kim – Associate Professor, Management and Marketing
- Brian Larson – Associate Dean of Students
- Evanne Raible – Senior Director of Transfer and Student Success Services
- Lynn Shollen – Associate Professor, Leadership Studies; QEP Director
- Hussam Timani – Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies
The Topic Selection Committee will work together until a topic is finalized, at which time a Topic Development Committee will be established to lead us through the next steps in the process.