Crime Prevention Programming - Christopher Newport University

University Police

Crime Prevention Programming

University Police offers a series of campus watch programs designed to enhance the safety of the campus community. For more information about these programs, please contact us.

This program provides information on alcohol with respect to the criminal laws and safety precautions. It is designed to help students understand the effects of alcohol and to enable them to make good choices related to drinking and driving.

We offer a bicycle registration program that provides us with your bicycle's make, model and serial number, as well as any unique markings. We will also take a photo of your bicycle for our records. Should your bicycle become missing, this information will assist in the recovery of your property by allowing us to identify the bicycle.

Bicycle registration is available at University Police headquarters located at 12270 Warwick Blvd., 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Simply stop by with your bicycle to register or call us at (757) 594-7777 for more information.

We also offer programs each semester at various times where you can register your bicycle.

Bicycle Recovery Program

University Police has an annual initiative to identify bicycles on campus that appear to be unclaimed or abandoned. These bicycles are often found in various states of disrepair, are missing parts or rusted, and are usually found to be unregistered. Bicycles in such condition are tagged by University Police to be removed from campus. This program is usually conducted during June and July, and we send email messages to all faculty, staff and students as a reminder.

We encourage members of the CNU community to register their bicycles with University Police, which will assist officers in recovering lost or stolen bicycles.

September is National Campus Safety Awareness Month and a free elearning course explains what's at stake.

Through a program developed by the Virginia Office of the Attorney General, college students learn about the laws of Virginia as they relate to young adults. Participants learn their relationship to the law and the importance of personal responsibility in our society. The program teaches not only the specifics of our rights, but also the limits on our behavior as citizens of the commonwealth.

This program provides information on cybercrime and social media with respect to criminal laws and safety precautions. It is designed to help students understand the threats that exist and to enable them to make good choices related to keeping themselves safe while online and to safeguard information while using online services and social media platforms.

University Police officers provide an overview of the various narcotics typically abused by young people, and help students identify and understand the effects of the drugs. The program also discusses the types of environments where illegal drugs may be found.

The Rape Aggression Defense system is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women.

It is a comprehensive course that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, and progresses to the basics of hands-on defense training. RAD is not a martial arts program. The course it taught by University police and other certified RAD instructors.

For more information, email

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