Responsible Employee - Christopher Newport University

Title IX

Responsible Employee

Responsible Employee

All CNU employees, including full-time, part-time, and students, are Responsible Employees for purposes of reporting Sexual Misconduct as defined in Section D. This does not include employees of contractors. Student employees are Responsible Employees when they receive information while acting in their capacity as a CNU employee.

Once in receipt of information regarding sexual misconduct, the responsible employee must directly report the information obtained regarding the alleged incident to the Director without delay and should otherwise respect the privacy of the individuals involved. No employee shall undertake any independent efforts to determine whether or not the report has merit or can be substantiated before reporting it to the Director's Office.

The report from the Responsible Employee must include all relevant details (obtained directly or indirectly) about an incident including the names of the Parties and witnesses (if known), and the date, time and location of the incident.

Before someone reveals this type of information to the responsible employee, the responsible employee should make every effort to ensure that the person understands the responsible employee’s obligation and that the person has the option to request confidentiality and share the information with a confidential resource either on campus or off campus.

When a Responsible Employee fails to make a required report to the Director’s Office, CNU is unable to acquire the information necessary to stop, remedy, and prevent Sexual Misconduct. As a result, the employee may face disciplinary consequences up to and including termination of employment.

To make a report, contact Dr. Amy Sirocky-Meck, Title IX Coordinator at (757) 594-8819 or or complete the online Sexual Misconduct Responsible Employee Report.

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