Executive Committee Meeting May 1, 2015 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Executive Committee Meeting May 1, 2015

The Executive Committee of Christopher Newport University, May 01, 2015.

Present from the Board

  • Mr. Preston White, Rector
  • Mr. William B. Downey
  • Ms. Vicki Siokis Freeman, Secretary
  • Mr. S. Anderson Hughes
  • Mrs. Ann N. Hunnicutt
  • Mr. W. Bruce Jennings
  • Mr. N. Scott Millar, Vice-Rector
  • Mr. Ronald L. Tillett

Present from the University

  • Ms. Cynthia R. Perry, Chief of Staff
  • Maureen R. Matsen, Esq. University Counsel
  • Ms. Beverley Mueller

Rector White convened a meeting of the Executive Committee to review and approve the changes to the governing documents of the Board that were discussed at the last Executive Committee meeting.

Rector White called for a motion to approve the Statement of Governance. Mr. Jennings provided the motion, seconded by Mr. Tillett and approved by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee. A Resolution to adopt the Statement of Governance will be prepared and presented to the full Board at the June meeting.

The Code of Ethics was reviewed and the only change recommended was to change "CNU" to "Christopher Newport." Rector White called for a motion to approve the Code of Ethics, Mr. Downey provided the motion, seconded by Mr. Tillett and it was approved by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee.

Ms. Matsen reviewed the Board of Visitors Orientation and Continuing Education Plan and following discussion and suggested modification, Rector White called for a motion to approve the continuing education plan, Mr. Millar provided the motion, seconded by Ms. Hunnicutt and passed by unanimous vote of the Board.

The Executive Committee reviewed and discussed the list of qualifications and competencies of our Board of Visitors members. Rector White called for a motion to approve the list. Mr. Jennings provided the motion, seconded by Ms. Hunnicutt and the list of qualifications was passed by unanimous vote. A Resolution will be prepared and presented to the full Board at the June meeting.

Ms. Matsen reported on the ongoing work of the university committee who is reviewing the new Title IX Policy regarding discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and retaliation. The committee has been working to develop a new policy for over 5 months and once it is finalized the Executive Committee will be asked to review and approve the policy prior to presentation to the full Board in June. The policy will be examined by an external reviewer to make sure that the University is in compliance. The Committee discussed various aspects of the policy and the challenges that it will pose. This policy will require a change to Section II of the University Handbook and a resolution will be prepared for the June Board meeting.

Rector White said that there would be a second meeting of the Board of Visitors on June 19th for the purpose of the annual presidential evaluation. There will be a small group made up of the Rector, Vice Rector, and Chairs of the Real Estate Foundation and Education Foundation, to review the President's achievements and goals for the upcoming year which will then be presented to the full Board in June.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

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