Student Life Committee Meeting February 15, 2019 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Student Life Committee Meeting February 15, 2019

Present from the Board

  • Kast
  • Ward
  • Hunter

Present from Faculty

  • Adamitis

Present from University administrators

  • Lange
  • Duncan Raines
  • Hughes

Guests present:

  • Aylor
  • Nishanian
  • Benoit

Steve Kast called the meeting to order.

Admission Report

Dean Lange reported on the admission data, sharing a 3-year comparison. Highlights include:

  • Applications are up in VA, down from out-of-state
  • GPA/SAT scores have increased over last year
  • Nearly 3,000 interviews have been conducted, with an enrollment goal of 1225
  • Final decisions on Early Action/Early Decision deferrals will be made by March 15

Dean Lange shared some important trends that affect our admission efforts.

  • CNU is 4th lowest in VA for acceptance rate
  • VA HS graduates have remained flat
    • This trend occurs while large public institutions are increasing enrollment
  • On average, the 6 states outside of VA sending the most applications and enrollment to CNU (other than NC) have seen a 6% decrease in HS graduates
    • NC HS graduates have risen

Dean Lange indicated a stated goal of increasing applications by 1,000 for the next cycle

  • He outlined on and off campus events related to admission, counselor visitation, and yielding the incoming class
  • Increase prospects from 125,000 to 140,000
  • Add a regional representative in the DC area, hopefully an alum

Enrollment & Student Success

Dr. Duncan Raines highlighted a number of important initiatives in various offices in this Division. These include:

  • The Center for Career Planning switched to a new platform (HANDSHAKE) because employers use it extensively. This decision generated new opportunities for students.
  • Our students are performing better in the classroom, and analysis of the data in her report helped us identify where to best deploy resources for the Center for Academic Success.
  • A number of key programs have or will occur this semester.
    • Major Week, leading into Signing Day (with 96% participation)
    • Half-way there program
    • 5th annual Walker Intern Series Speaker
    • Spring Break Captains@Work (Alumni and Parents providing shadowing opportunities)

Student Affairs

Dr. Hughes highlighted the impact our student leaders have on their classmates and others.

  • Significant and extensive training occurs for student leaders because they are entrusted with educating and supporting other students.
    • RAs have a months-long selection process followed by an intensive week prior to the return of students. Monthly trainings continue throughout the year. The emphasis on student interactions yielded:
      • 6 individual interactions between RA and resident in F ‘18
      • Referrals to CCP, CAS, Core Advisors, and OCS
      • Ratings well over 90% by residents
    • Recruitment Counselors for Panhellenic sororities undertake a semester-long training process. Their results include:
      • 92% match rate between new members and campus sororities
        • The national average is between 75-80%
      • 31% of the female undergraduate population is a sorority member
  • PLP students completed in excess of 20,000 hours of community service during F’18, including the 2nd annual Dominican Republic International Service trip.
  • The Office of Student Engagement connected with 435 individual students during F’18, including 135 meetings for the creation of an engagement plan.

Guest Presentation

Nicole Nishanian, a senior and outgoing Panhellenic President, presented to the committee on the Panhellenic recruitment process. She shared specifics about each phase, its purpose, and how this approach has helped match women successfully with their sorority.

Steve Kast adjourned the meeting.

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