Student Life Committee Meeting April 26, 2019 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Student Life Committee Meeting April 26, 2019

Present from the Board:

  • Gabe Morgan, Chair
  • Steve Kast
  • Brad Hunter
  • Ella Ward
  • Judy Wason

Present from Administration, Faculty and Students

  • Emmett Aylor, Student Assembly President
  • Willy Donaldson, Faculty Senate Representative
  • Lisa Duncan Raines, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Success
  • Kevin Hughes, Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Rob Lange, Dean of Admission

Call to Order: Gabe Morgan called the meeting to order.

Student Affairs Update

Dr. Hughes provided an update on how Christopher Newport transitions students to and from the University.

  • Utilization of the Admitted Student System, a key online tool for assisting with the transition of new students to the University
    • Two new key components include videos produced by the Office of Communications and Public Relations
    • New methods of reaching students expected to help capture critical information needed for preparing class schedules, capturing other types of critical information for transitioning new students, and communicating information about campus resources and deadlines
    • Discussion related to immunization forms, how the University collects information related to immunizations, and service animals for students with disabilities
  • Discussion of transition process, campus culture, and impact on student lives
    • Chairman Morgan emphasized the need to use student comments and student stories in our public relations. Lange commented that our marketing strategies have evolved such that our student stories are at the forefront of our PR approaches.
    • Senator Donaldson commented on the availability of resources through the newly formed WATCH (Wellness Action Team for Captains Health) group.
    • Dr. Hughes elaborated - The Wellness Action Team for Captains Health is a collection of Faculty, Staff and Students working on wellness initiatives for the campus community. Begun as a research project through the Ferguson Fellows program, WATCH now works directly with Student Affairs on research, awareness, messaging and programming on topics related to mental health, physical well-being, emotional support, and healthy living

Freshman Admission Discussion

Dean Lange provided an update on the status of the incoming freshman class, comparative admission data, differences in average high school GPA and standardized test scores per application type, and expected late cycle admission activity from other Virginia public colleges and universities.

  • Deposits are ahead of this time last year, but Dean Lange expects that gap to close over the next few days.
  • New initiatives for expanded access and affordability
    • Coalition for College and Strive for College: Joining several other state universities by utilizing the Coalition application.
    • Strive for College focuses on first-generation college student and speaks to access, affordability, and student success.
    • By joining, Christopher Newport is aligning itself with similar institutions.
  • Discussion of potential future approaches for recruitment and enrollment of freshmen to include merit dollars, cost, curriculum, students from underrepresented groups, and instructional methodology.

Enrollment and Student Success Update

Dr. Duncan Raines highlighted student success activities throughout spring semester and expectations for the end of semester and graduation.

  • Use of academic success related resources and services has increased this semester when compared to Spring Semester 2018.
    • Increase in utilization of the Tutoring Center is likely because of the adjustments to the model to align better with College Reading and Learning Association’s standards
    • Student survey responses indicate that the tutoring sessions resulted in a positive and effective experience
    • Grades at mid-semester indicate that students were performing better
  • Discussion of post-graduation outcomes and internship developments
    • Summary data on the Class of 2018 post-graduation outcomes expected at next Board meeting
    • New internship course hoped to increase the overall number of students participating in an internship
    • Salaries for graduates estimated at 30 percent higher for those graduates who completed an internship during their undergraduate tenure
  • Update on anticipated graduates and candidate for graduation and summer activities
    • Expecting approximately 1,200 students to graduate/participate in Commencement
    • Preparation for Setting Sail and Welcome Week already underway

Student Assembly Report

Emmett Aylor reported that spring semester was busy for the Student Assembly (SA). The SA recently recognized 30 faculty and staff for their work with the University.

  • Introduction of SA President for 2019-2020
    • Henry Womble has been elected as the new SA President.
    • Henry came to Christopher Newport as a transfer student from Grove City College in Pennsylvania and is majoring in Finance.
    • Discussion about changing the name of the organization from the Student Assembly to the Student Government Association

Adjournment: Gabe Morgan adjourned the meeting.

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