Student Life Committee Meeting September 20, 2019 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Student Life Committee Meeting September 20, 2019

Present from the Board

  • Gabe Morgan, Chair
  • Steve Kast
  • Brad Hunter
  • Ella Ward
  • Judy Wason

Present from Administration, Faculty, and Students

  • Jered Benoit, Information Technology Services
  • Hayden Cochran, President of Campus Activities Board (CAB)
  • Lisa Duncan Raines, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Success
  • Kevin Hughes, Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Rob Lange, Dean of Admission
  • Tatiana Rizova, Faculty Senate Representative
  • Henry Womble, Student Assembly President

Chairman Morgan called the meeting to order.

Freshman Admission Discussion

Dean Lange provided a comparison of the Fall 2018 and Fall 2019 incoming freshman classes. The Admission Office exceeded the 19-20 goal by 13 students. Our freshman class presents the highest high school grade point average and average SAT scores to date. Dean Lange also provided an overview of high school graduates and demographics state-wide.

Christopher Newport continues to have the fourth lowest admit rate of the 15 public universities in Virginia. Goals for the 20-21 class include increasing the number of overall freshman applications, increasing the number of quality applications, offering admission through the Coalition Application, and increasing the volume of prospects to convert to applicants. The Admission Office’s goal is to enroll students who are the best fit for the University.

Lange reported that the Admission Office has already interviewed over 700 prospective students and hosted over 5,000 visitors.

Enrollment and Student Success Update

Dr. Duncan Raines outlined the student success programs and upcoming career and graduate school fairs in place for fall semester and discussed the results of the Career Outcomes Survey for the Class of 2018.

The Center for Academic Success will utilize early identification of at-risk students and provide quick interventions and opportunities for tutoring, academic coaching, and academic success workshops.

The Center for Career Planning (CCP) has a number of upcoming fairs planned. In collaboration with the Department of Accounting and Finance, the CCP hosted the third annual Accounting Days, a networking and interviewing event. Over 27 accounting firms participated in the event with three of the “Big Four” firms represented: KPMG, PWC, and Deloitte. Upcoming fairs include the Fall Career and Internships Fair, the Graduate School Fair, and the Physics, Computer Science, and Engineering Fair.

The results of the Career Outcomes Survey for the Class of 2018 indicate that 94% of our students are employed full-time or enrolled in graduate school. Our career outcomes rates are consistently higher than those of our peer schools: 3.2% higher than institutions with “medium-sized enrollment,” nearly 13% higher than those with the Carnegie Classification of “masters,” and nearly 16% higher than schools in the Southeast Region.

Student Affairs Update

Dr. Hughes provided an update on how Christopher Newport transitions students to the University.

Residence Life operates on a curriculum model. Last year, our RAs had over 50,000 interactions with their residents. At this point in the semester, they have already had 4,000 interactions. These RAs, along with our residence life staff, are helping our students to build a community within our community.

Student Affairs sponsors a number of opportunities to help students become engaged with our campus community. The Involvement Fair is an event that helps to acquaint students with the numerous clubs, organizations, and select offices available on our campus. This year the fair expanded to include opportunities to engage with the greater Newport News community. Greek Life also offers a way for students to become more involved, and we are adding another NPHC organization. Phi Beta Sigma, which had previously chartered at the university. The President’s Leadership Program (PLP) provides a great way for our students to develop a foundation for leadership and engagement with campus. We have hosted two speakers already: President Trible and Scott Millar.

Dr. Hughes also shared that our Office of Counseling Services (OCS) has seen 216 students already, which is an increase of 20 students over this time last year. OCS has extended its hours to include evening hours Monday through Thursday.

Student Assembly Report

Henry Womble highlighted the work of some of our anchor student organizations: Residence Hall Association (RHA), Student Diversity and Equality Council (SDEC), Student Honor Council, and Greek Life. Womble introduced Hayden Cochran, President of CAB, who shared information on the work of CAB this academic year.

Approval of Minutes

Chairman Morgan asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the May 31, 2019 committee meeting, and Brad Hunter made the motion for approval which was seconded by Ella Ward with all committee members in favor.


There being no further discussion, Chairman Morgan adjourned the meeting at 11:45 am.

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