Academic Affairs Committee Meeting April 14, 2022 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Academic Affairs Committee Meeting April 14, 2022

Present from the board

  • C. Bradford Hunter, Chair
  • Lee Vreeland, Ed.D.
  • Regina P. Brayboy
  • Steven S. Kast
  • Sean D. Miller

Present from the University

  • David C. Doughty, Jr., University Provost and Lead Staff for Committee
  • Brian Puaca, Professor of History and Faculty Senate Liaison
  • Nannette Washington, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Provost

The regular meeting of the BOV Academic Affairs Committee of Christopher Newport University was called to order at 10:00 AM on June 8, 2022 by Bradford Hunter, Committee Chair.

A vote was held to approve the previous minutes. Chairman Hunter called for a motion, which was made by Steven S. Kast and seconded by Sean D. Miller. The minutes were unanimously approved.

At this point, Chairman Hunter turned the meeting over to David Doughty, University Provost.

Topics that were discussed by the Provost are as follows:

1. Faculty Searches For Fall 2022

  1. On track to have 282 instructional faculty this fall.
  2. Currently have 7 open positions we are working to fill.
  3. We have 2 searches underway and 5 very late emergency hires.

2. Part-Time Lecturer in Leadership and American Studies

  1. Recently retired Virginia Supreme Court Justice William Mims.
  2. He has a very impressive bio and we are delighted he will be joining us in the fall.

3. Faculty Salaries for AY 2022-2023

  1. We should be able to raise the average faculty salary by 5%, not counting promotions and equity adjustments.
  2. Allocated as 2.5% ATB for returning faculty and 2.5% merit.

4. Departmental Reorganization

  1. Re-organizing the Departments of Music and Theatre and Dance into a single Department of Performing Arts.
  2. The current degree program in Fine and Performing Arts will be a Bachelor of Arts in Performing Arts.

5. TTIP (Amazon Inititaitve)

  1. Drop in the number of TTIP graduates.
  2. Moving forward the numbers look good with a yield of 136 freshmen intending to study Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Cybersecurity.

6. Research Grants

  1. We have received over $3 million in grant funding this year and have other awards pending.
  2. The first year we have broken the $3 million barrier.

7. Summer Scholars

  1. We have a total of 51 Summer Scholars funded through various sources.
  2. Participation in undergraduate research has dramatically increased since becoming part of SACSCOC QEP plan.

8. Summer Courses

  1. We have 1196 enrollments.
  2. An increase over last summer and an increase of almost 71% over 2019 enrollment.

9. International Study

  1. We have Glasgow running this spring and 14 summer trips led by our faculty this summer.
  2. We had COVID drama but, with COVID being more of an irritant than a deal breaker, the situations were manageable.
  3. Total number of students studying abroad for Academic Year 2021-2022 is 295.

10. Community Captains

  1. The second Cohort has graduated from the program with a nice celebration this past Saturday.
  2. Between 8-10 students from this Cohort will be coming to CNU this fall.

11. Service

  1. In Academic Year 2021-2022, there were 265 students graduating with Service Distinction our of a class of 1,055.
  2. We are on track to finish this summer with just over 67,000 volunteer service hours for Academic Year 2021-2022. We are rebounding solidly.

The next Board of Visitors meeting will be held at 9:00 AM on June 29, 2022; the location will be announced at a later date. This will just be a full board meeting with no committee meetings being held.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:

Nannette Washington, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Provost

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