Academic Affairs Committee Meeting September 15, 2023 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Academic Affairs Committee Meeting September 15, 2023

Present from the board

  • Lee Vreeland, Ed.D., Chair
  • Brently K. Archer
  • Terri M. McKnight, CPA
  • Kelli Purdy Meadows, CPA, CCIFP
  • Christy T. Morton
  • C. Larry Pope
  • Judy Ford Wason

Present from the University

  • Quentin Kidd, University Provost/Chief Academic Officer and Lead Staff for Committee
  • Olga Lipotova, Associate Professor of Psychology and Faculty Senate Representative
  • Jessica Burket, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences
  • Colleen Neff, Senior (graduating in December), Neuroscience
  • Shane Potters, Senior (graduating in May), Cellular, Molecular and Physiological Biology
  • Jason Lyons, Associate Provost for Assessment and Accreditation
  • Jean Filetti, Professor of English/Director of Teacher Prep
  • Karyn Ward, Associate Director of Field Experience
  • William Donaldson, Associate Professor of Management
  • Robert Colvin, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
  • Benjamin Lynerd, Associate Professor of Political Science
  • Nannette Washington, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Provost

The regular meeting of the BOV Academic Affairs Committee of Christopher Newport University was called to order at 9:45 a.m. on September 15, 2023 by Lee Vreeland, Committee Chair.

Chairwoman Vreeland began the discussion by introducing our faculty/student guests.

  1. Faculty Showcse
    1. Dr. Jessica Burket – Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences
    2. Colleen Neff – Senior, Neuroscience
    3. Shane Potters – Senior, Cellular, Molecular, and Physiological Biology
    4. Dr. Burket has worked with both Colleen and Shane since their Freshman year, engaging in Translational Neuroscience. They are learning how to translate what they learn on the research side into clinical and how it can help people.
    5. Dr. Burket discussed some of the projects they are working on including projects dealing with HIV infection, substance abuse and schizophrenia.
    6. After graduating in December, Colleen will be going to medical school in July. After graduating in May, Shane will be going to Eastern Virginia Medical School entering their PA program.

At this point, Chairwoman Vreeland turned the meeting over to Quentin Kidd, University Provost.

Topics that were discussed by the Provost are as follows:

  1. Bachelor of Arts in Education Proposal
    1. Developed to meet the increased demand for teachers in Virginia and in response to a request from SCHEV to propose new education programs.
    2. The initial focus will be on Elementary Education.
    3. Dr. Jean Filleti and Dr. Karyn Ward were present to further explain this great need and how their proposal intends to help fill it.
    4. The Proposal is Resolution 2 and required the committee to vote to take it to the Full Board. Chairwoman Vreeland called for a motion to take the resolution to the Full Board. The motion was made by Terri M. McKnight and seconded by Christy T. Morton. The motion was unanimously passed.
  2. SACSCOC Interim Report Results – Jason Lyons, Associate Provost
    1. We submitted the 5th year report and it was accepted with NO referrals.
    2. Less than 25% of institutions end up with no referrals – this shows the quality of work we do.
    3. The 10-year report is due to be submitted in 2026.
    4. The review process was led by the 5th Year Interim Committee, chaired by Associate Provost for Assessment and Accreditation, Jason Lyons.
  3. Budget Update
    1. We have cut $2.5 million from the Academic Affairs budget,
    2. In the process of reducing our full-time faculty count by 10, which should happen by the end of this academic year.
    3. We are also attempting to reduce our Adjunct Budget.
    4. We want to reduce cost in such a way as not to harm our instruction or our faculty’s ability to do their research.
  4. General Update
    1. We have been discussing the possibility of reintroducing a nursing program with Riverside Health System.
    2. We are working with Riverside on an innovative 3+2 program where a student would graduate in four years with a BS in Biology from CNU and in one more year a BSN from Riverside.

A vote was held to approve the previous meeting minutes. Chairwoman Vreeland called for a motion, which was made by Christy T. Morton and seconded by C. Larry Pope. The minutes were unanimously approved.

The next Board of Visitors meeting will be held at 4:15 p.m. on November 16, 2023 in Meeting Room 202 in the Freeman Center.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:52 AM by Chairwoman Lee Vreeland.

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