Executive Committee Meeting April 18, 2024 - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

Executive Committee Meeting April 18, 2024

The Executive Committee met on April 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in Meeting Room 201 of the Freeman Center with Chair of the Committee Lindsey Carney Smith, Esq., presiding.

Present from the Committee

  • Lindsey Carney Smith, Esq., Chair and Rector
  • William A. Estrada, Esq. (at large)
  • John R. Lawson, II
  • Ms. Christy T. Morton, Secretary
  • LTC (R) Boris G. Robinson
  • The Honorable Ronald L. Tillett

Absent from the Committee

  • Lee Vreeland, Ed.D.
  • Mr. C. Larry Pope (at large)

Remote Participant

  • Terri M. McKnight, CPA, Vice Rector

Remote participation permitted due to personal travel to Mexico pursuant to Code of Virginia § 2.2-3708.3(B)(4).

Others Present

  • Brentley K. Archer
  • Regina P. Brayboy
  • Kelli Purdy Meadows, CPA, CCIFP

Present from the University

  • Bob Colvin, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
  • Amie Dale, Liaison to the Board of Visitors
  • Vidal Dickerson, Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
  • Lisa Duncan Raines, Vice President for Student Success and Institutional Effectiveness
  • Chip Filer, Vice President for Facilities and Campus Operations
  • Jim Hanchett, Chief Communications Officer
  • Rachael Holland, Former Faculty Senate President
  • Kevin Hughes, Dean of Students/VP of Student Affairs
  • William G. Kelly, President
  • Kenneth C. Kidd, Deputy Chief of Staff
  • Quentin Kidd, Executive Vice President and Provost/Chief Academic Officer
  • Rob Lange, Dean of Admission
  • Jennifer B. Latour, Chief of Staff
  • Maureen Matsen, Legal Counsel
  • Brian Puaca, Faculty Senate Representative
  • Adelia Thompson, Vice President of Advancement, External Engagement and the Arts

At 10:11 a.m. Chair Carney Smith called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. She noted that Mr. Pope was absent due to a medical procedure and that Mr. Estrada would be appointed as an At-Large Member at tomorrow’s full board meeting.

Chair Carney Smith called for a motion to approve the minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting on February 8, 2024. Mr. Lawson provided the motion, which was seconded by Mr. Tillett and the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote of the Committee.

She then reminded the Committee that while all board members are welcome to attend any committee meeting, only the members appointed to the committee are permitted to participate in the meeting.

Chair Carney Smith then asked President Kelly to provide his report.

President Kelly opened his remarks by expressing gratitude for the board members' attendance at the meeting and for their ongoing support of Christopher Newport. He began by addressing several key personnel updates. He welcomed Dr. Chip Filer as the new Vice President for Facilities and Campus Operations, appreciating his extensive background and experience. President Kelly also acknowledged Dr. Bob Colvin for his interim service and announced the retirement of university counsel Maureen Matsen, and that the search for her replacement is underway. The ongoing searches for the VP for Advancement and the new Director of Institutional Compliance/Title IX Coordinator were also mentioned.

Transitioning to government and educational leadership engagements, President Kelly shared insights from recent meetings with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and the Governor. He discussed the Governor's focus on establishing predictable tuition rates and linking funding to university performance. The conversation extended to the state's approach to Artificial Intelligence usage on campuses and concerns regarding mandatory requirements on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion curriculum.

President Kelly then detailed the objectives of a new task force established in cooperation with the Mayor to research and assess the City’s historical purchases of Black family properties on Shoe Lane to relocate the College from downtown Newport News to Shoe Lane. The task force aims to provide a balanced and inclusive review of past decisions and their impacts, fostering a just and inclusive future.

He concluded by emphasizing the importance of fiscal responsibility in the university's operations. He described the proactive measures taken in budgeting, including zero-based budgeting efforts by Vice Presidents and the challenges posed by state budget uncertainties and inflation. He noted the university's strategic efforts to maintain financial sustainability, which includes minimizing tuition hikes and managing operational costs effectively.

President Kelly invited the board to ask questions and indicated his readiness to delve deeper into these topics in the upcoming sessions, particularly focusing on weapons regulations and safety policies on campus as the next point of discussion.

Chair Carney Smith then opened the floor for a discussion on adopting a future prohibition of weapons regulation. During the discussion, board members were directed to review the current policies, noting that these policies are spread across various university documents, such as the student and resident life handbooks and faculty and staff conduct policies. The university is working to consolidate these into a single policy, which is an internal initiative rather than a board action item. The discussion also covered legislative actions affecting campus safety, particularly the vetoed HB 454, known as the UVA Bill. The governor vetoed this bill, emphasizing that universities already have the authority to regulate firearms on their campuses, allowing them to accommodate local norms and conditions. The board was informed about the statutory power universities have to adopt regulations concerning weapons on campus, which would be enacted through the Virginia Administrative Code. This approach allows more specific control over concealed carry in vulnerable campus areas, which cannot be achieved through university policy alone. The upcoming June meeting will further discuss the process for adopting such a regulation, and seeking board approval to move forward. The rationale for adopting a regulatory approach, despite existing policies, was clarified, highlighting the need for more comprehensive authority to ensure campus safety. The floor was then opened for questions and further discussion on this topic.

There being no further discussion, the meeting turned to the next agenda item regarding the Board’s Self-Evaluation Survey. The self-evaluation survey, which included 20 multiple choice and six open-ended questions, showed strong agreement on 16 questions, with minor differences on four of the questions. Detailed results will be shared later, but initial feedback highlighted a positive working relationship between the board and management, with board members expressing pride in the university's educational quality and program standards. Concerns were noted about ongoing financial challenges and the evolving landscape of higher education, particularly regarding enrollment. Community engagement was recognized as an area for growth, with existing relationships like those with Peninsula Community College praised as strong foundations. The board's responses also emphasized pride in the university's reputation and the quality of its graduates, as well as satisfaction with President Kelly's leadership. Concerns about external pressures on enrollment and curriculum integrity were acknowledged as areas needing continued focus and governance. Looking ahead, the board is interested in expanding academic programming, particularly in engineering, and understanding the university's competitive position in attracting students. This survey will inform future board planning and initiatives, ensuring strategic leadership continues to guide the university effectively. Chair Carney Smith called for further discussion, there being none, the committee moved to Closed Session.

At 10:39 a.m. Secretary Morton called for a motion to enter Closed Session. Mr. Robinson provided the motion, it was seconded by Mr. Tillett and the motion was passed by unanimous vote of the Committee. All observers were asked to leave.

The committee returned to open session at 10:59 a.m. and Secretary Morton asked Ms. Dale for a roll call certifying that only public matters were discussed that were identified in the motion by which the executive or closed meeting was called. All committee members present, certified to the above by roll call: Chair Carney Smith, Vice Rector McKnight, Secretary Morton, Mr. Estrada, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Robinson and Mr. Tillett.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

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