2022 Annual Executive Summary of Interim Activity - Christopher Newport University

Board of Visitors

2022 Annual Executive Summary of Interim Activity

Enabling Authority

§§ 23.1-1300 through 1310

§§ 23.1-1400 through 1403

Executive Summary

Christopher Newport University is a public institution of higher education, created by §§ 23.1-1400 through 1403 of the Code of Virginia and governed by the General Assembly of Virginia. In 2013, several sections of the Code of Virginia were amended to direct certain actions be taken by the Boards of Visitors of all public institutions of higher education in Virginia. The requirements are reflected in Chapter 577 of the Acts of the General Assembly (2013).

At the direction of Virginia Code §23.1-1303, this Summary of Interim Activity is respectfully submitted. All necessary changes and operational efforts directed by Chapter 577 have been incorporated into the operations and activities of the Board of Visitors of Christopher Newport University.

In 2021, the Christopher Newport University Board of Visitors conducted its business as a “state public body” for purposes of the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and only conducted closed meetings in conformance with the provisions of that law.

In 2021, the Board of Visitors held regularly scheduled meetings in February, April, June, September and December. In conformance with the provisions of the Code, the Board of Visitors convened and conducted a separate meeting on June 11, 2021, for the purpose of delivering an evaluation of the President’s performance.

Meeting of the Board’s Executive Committee was called in May to update the Board of Visitors on University operations related to COVID-19 and discuss plans for protecting the University Community for the upcoming academic year. All board members were invited to attend.

The meeting held in February, 2021 was conducted electronically, as permitted by Va. Code §2.2-3708.2, Chapter 1283 of the 2020 Acts of the Virginia General Assembly due to the existing State of Emergency declared by the Governor’s Executive Order 51.

Board agendas and meetings are posted on the Board of Visitors web page at: http://cnu.edu/whoweare/bov/. The Board of Visitors continues to use a cloud-based platform to manage its meeting agendas, meeting materials, and minutes and to make those materials publicly available.

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