Majors and Minors - Christopher Newport University

Department of Economics

Majors and Minors

The economics curriculum at Christopher Newport integrates the liberal arts with the core functional areas of economics and the quantitative ability needed to address today’s pressing economic and public-policy issues. We offer a bachelor of arts degree in economics, a concentration in mathematical economics and a minor in economics.

Students develop their analytical abilities with a core curriculum of theory and applied methods courses. You can then choose electives according to your interests, whether in government, law, mathematical economics or other areas.

Sample Courses

This course provides students with an introduction to environmental issues through an economic lens. The rational, economic analytical approach is introduced and the basic principles of economics are applied to issues such as energy markets, air and water pollution, sustainability, population and environment, waste and recycling, and dealing with climate change.

An introduction to important topics in the field of economic development. The first part of the course examines the historical record of world development, the challenges facing many less developed countries and growth models. The second part of the course focuses on economic development theory and policy. Here we examine how trade, balance of payments and exchange rates can affect growth trajectories. Extensive coverage is given to industrial policy, its theory, empirics, and strategy. The course concludes with a study of how institutions and linkages can influence development outcomes.

Designed to enable the student to study the microeconomic theoretical aspects of industrial organization. The topics covered include: market structures, vertical structure of markets, welfare losses due to market power, market power impact on distribution pricing policies, and the role of government in promoting and preventing competition. The course provides the student with a theoretical, empirical, and descriptive framework of industrial organization and social/business policy.

The theory of comparative costs, the transfer of international payments, the balance of international payments, foreign exchange rates and the theory of adjustments are the principle topics addressed in this course. The means and ends of international economic policy are also covered. Trade restrictions, arguments for protection, cartels, state-trading, commodity agreements, commercial policy of the United States, foreign economic assistance, and international measures to liberalize trade and payments are taken up in order.

Accessible Undergraduate Catalog
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