Beyond the Classroom - Christopher Newport University

Department of Mathematics

Beyond the Classroom

As a math major you can incorporate a host of co-curricular activities into your studies. Whatever you choose, there are many opportunities for rewarding experiences outside of class.

At Christopher Newport, math majors have many opportunities to gain valuable work experience via internships at nearby NASA, Newport News Shipbuilding, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, and further afield at such places as Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

You’ll also work closely with faculty on a wide array of research projects. Many of these efforts result in conference presentations or published papers. Our department colloquium series brings scholars from around the world to campus to discuss the latest work in our field.

We are dedicated to service in the community, and many of our students serve as math tutors and mentors at nearby schools.

One service opportunity is the STEM Mentoring Program. It is part of the Service Distinction Program at CNU. Students mentor/tutor math at Crittenden Middle School in Newport News on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Contact Dr. Lenhart at if you have any questions.

Each year we host a regional math contest, which brings the brightest high school students to campus to compete for prizes and bragging rights. Math faculty and undergraduates are deeply involved in this annual event, which gives us a chance to showcase our facilities and the strength of our programs. We also host Math Circle, an enrichment program for local students in grades 8-12 who have a strong interest in mathematics.

Delta Pi Lambda math society is social and academic club that plans outings and fundraisers, organizes study parties and coordinates student travel to conferences and other events. Additionally, the department hosts a chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, the national math honor society.

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