Beyond the Classroom - Christopher Newport University

Department of Molecular Biology and Chemistry

Beyond the Classroom

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduates at Christopher Newport work closely with faculty on a wide range of research projects. It may be as short as a single semester or may last for a year or more and even conclude in a published paper. There are opportunities for participating in either laboratory-based research, or outdoors in field-based work. We encourage you to not to just hear about science, but to actually go out and do it.

Opportunities are available for everyone, in many areas, including:

  • Genetics
  • Cell migration
  • Nanochemistry
  • Microbes
  • Environmental chemistry
  • And many more!

Other Opportunities

There are also many other opportunities outside the classroom. Be it an internship, or study abroad, these activities develop skills that allow students to flourish professionally.

We host chapters of Beta Beta Beta, the national biology honor society, which sponsors networking opportunities as well as regional and national conventions where research is presented and shared.

The Department of Molecular Biology and Chemistry supports the ethical and humane treatment of animals.

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