Beyond the Classroom - Christopher Newport University

Department of Political Science

Beyond the Classroom

As a political science or international affairs major, you'll have many opportunities to expand on your classroom learning through many engaging co-curricular activities.

Our faculty organize and lead several study abroad classes, ensuring you receive the highest level of instruction while journeying to some of the world’s most fascinating regions. Recent courses have traveled to England, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, France, South Africa, Bulgaria and Israel.

Undergraduate research is a cornerstone of the Christopher Newport experience. Faculty regularly collaborate with students on a wide array of engaging research projects. These opportunities enhance classroom learning and teach valuable skills that will serve you long after graduation. Our students and faculty work together in the following areas, among others:

  • National security
  • Women in politics
  • Human rights and international relations
  • Political theory
  • Polling and elections
  • Public administration

Research opportunities and on-campus employment are also available through Christopher Newport’s Judy Ford Wason Center for Civic Leadership and the Reiff Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution:

The Wason Center provides unbiased and nonpartisan research and information about important public policy issues facing Virginia and about citizens’ views on those issues

The Reiff Center raises awareness of the horrors of genocide, human rights violations and conflict, and studies ways to overcome these by examining the international and national application of human rights, conflict resolution and peace studies.

Our proximity to Washington, D.C. means there are almost limitless opportunities for you to experience American political life. Internships are an excellent way to not only earn credit toward your degree, but also to apply your classroom learning in real-world situations. Internships are available in government, the military and nonprofit organizations dedicated to advancing the public good.

We also host a chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society, which offers scholarship and research opportunities.

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