The Wason Center - Christopher Newport University

The Wason Center


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What We Believe

At the heart of a thriving society and healthy democracy is a civic community where evidence-based decision-making, mutual respect and integrity prevail. Our programs will emphasize four core values.

Civic Leadership takes many forms.

We prepare every student, regardless of their background or professional ambition, to seek the responsibility and humility to work on behalf of their community.

Sound policy is born in understanding.

We promote a 360-degree understanding of public policy challenges based on valid research, including reliable surveys of public opinion and empathetic dialogue with many voices.

Facts matter, but not all facts are equal.

In a world of constant access to limitless data, we teach students to critically analyze facts and evidence, especially seeking facts that challenge preconceptions.

Service inspires solutions, collaboration ignites progress.

We inspire students to serve by connecting them to leaders in both public service and private enterprise who bring people together to solve problems.

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