Career Development - Christopher Newport University

Career Development

Building a Civic Leaders Jobs Network

In addition to an exceptional liberal arts-based education, successful civic leaders need two things: the ability to create opportunities to make a difference and a professional network to make it happen. We will help our students develop both.

A New Mentorship Matching Program

The Wason Center will empower students to create a career network that will launch them on their path to civic leadership. Students will develop a skillset where, no matter their career paths, they will establish a commitment to civic leadership – not just land in conventional public service jobs.

We will recruit civic leaders from diverse backgrounds and professional affiliations who all have one thing in common – a commitment to helping people and a desire to solve problems.

Students and mentors will be matched based on common professional interests. Mentors will be encouraged to introduce students to colleagues who can help them along their civic leadership journey. Students will be encouraged to seek multiple mentorships during their time at Christopher Newport, helping them grow an invaluable professional network.

Mentorship Interest Form

Career Development Workshops

Our mentors will host workshops that will provide essential insight and advice about finding and earning civic leadership jobs in public policy, nonprofits, government, business and more. Topics will include how to find work on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. or in Richmond; how to successfully leverage social media and LinkedIn during a job search; and how to work for political campaigns.

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