Beyond the Classroom - Christopher Newport University

Department of Military Science

Beyond the Classroom

Much of the ROTC program at Christopher Newport takes place outside of class. Cadets are exposed to many training programs and different facets of Army life.

Basic Camp

Basic Camp is the premier leadership program of its kind. An intense, four-week introduction to Army life and leadership training, the aim of the course is to motivate and qualify you for entry into the senior ROTC program.

Cadets typically complete Basic Camp between their sophomore and junior years. While attending training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, you’ll experience all the facets of Army life and the responsibilities of being an officer. The course instills confidence and decision-making abilities that will help you become a leader in the Army and in life.

Cadets spend their first few days learning Army basics under the tutelage of drill sergeants. You’ll also take your first Army physical fitness test, which includes sit-ups, push-ups and a two-mile run. Shortly after the course begins, cadets are introduced to working in small teams in activities designed to accomplish set goals.

Advanced Camp

The capstone ROTC training event, Advanced Camp is a 29-day course held annually at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The purpose of the course is to train cadets to Army standards, to develop your leadership skills and to evaluate your officer potential. Most cadets attend Advanced Camp between their junior and senior years after contracting to join the Army.

Successful completion of Advanced Camp is required to become an Army officer through ROTC.

Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency Program

For cadets, the world is your classroom. Every year hundreds of cadets travel the globe, spending up to three weeks immersed in foreign cultures, learning about themselves and about how others around the world view the U.S.

Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT)

CTLT provides cadets the opportunity to experience leadership in Army units over several weeks. Cadets serve in lieutenant-level leadership positions in active-duty units. U.S. and overseas assignments are available.

There are also a number of extracurricular activities organized and led by cadets:

Pershing Rifles
Pershing riflemen uphold the highest ideals of the military profession as exemplified by the life of General John Pershing, who was the founder and patron of this organization. Pershing Rifles was established at the University of Nebraska in 1894, and has a long and prestigious history.

Ranger Challenge
The Ranger Challenge competition is an intense, day-long event, held in October. The teams come from universities throughout Virginia, Maryland, DC and Delaware. The competition tests a wide variety of Army skills, from communications and first aid, to an obstacle course and 10-kilometer road march.

Scabbard and Blade
Scabbard and Blade is a national honor and service organization committed to the development of superior leaders through academic achievement and involvement in the college military community.

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