Frequently Asked Questions - Christopher Newport University

Living and Learning Communities

Frequently Asked Questions


An LC is a group of 15–30 students who take between two and four classes together and build strong relationships. Students in most LCs not only take classes together, but also live near each other. All freshmen select an LC through the Admitted Student System once admitted.

LCs make CNU more learning-friendly. Instead of having four or five classes with different students in each class, you will have friends in several of your classes. All courses in the LCs satisfy Liberal Learning Curriculum requirements, so these course combinations will work well for most students. You pick the course combinations that are most interesting to you or most appropriate for your area of academic interest. You have guaranteed registration in the courses in your LC, as long as you choose the best one for your situation.

You can choose an LC in the Admitted Student System. These LCs have been selected for you based on your area of academic interest and your profile. Each option is a good fit for you. If you have not determined an area of interest, each LC incorporates courses from the Liberal Learning Core Curriculum, and will help you explore different areas.

When you answer questions that determine your profile, we ask you to indicate the AP, IB or dual-enrollment credit you expect. Once we receive your credit, we will adjust your LC if necessary.

There are LCs specifically for students in the Honors Program.

LCs are based on your area of academic interest and your profile. Any required leadership courses will be added to your schedule.

We have several LCs that work for athletes. We will make sure you are in an LC that allows for athletic practice and works for your area of academic interest.

Register for Setting Sail orientation and pre-select LCs as early in the spring as you can. The earlier you register, the more choices you will have.

Using the Admitted Student System, you can pre-select LCs.

You can submit your preferred LC and roommate and we will do our best to accommodate your request. Sometimes LCs and academics take priority over roommate requests because we want you to succeed inside and outside the classroom.

Once you choose your LC, you will not be able to pick a different one. We will consider your area of academic interest, your LC choice and other interests you share with us to ensure that you are enrolled in an appropriate LC and off to a great start!
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