Principles of Excellence - Christopher Newport University

Liberal Learning

Principles of Excellence

We are committed to excellence in everything we do, and expect students to work very hard to be the best version of themselves. Although students ultimately determine their own success, our caring faculty and staff are with them all the way.

  1. We strive to make the essential learning outcomes a framework for the entire educational experience, connecting school, work and life.
  2. We focus each student’s plan of study on achieving the essential learning outcomes, and assess their progress.
  3. We immerse all students in analysis, discovery, problem solving and communication.
  4. We seek to get at far-reaching issues, both contemporary and enduring, in science and society, cultures and values, global interdependence, the economy, and human dignity and freedom.
  5. Our programs prepare students for citizenship and work through engaged and guided learning on real-world problems.
  6. We emphasize personal and social responsibility in every field of study.
  7. Through assessment, we work to deepen learning and to establish a culture of shared purpose and continuous improvement.
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