Beyond the Classroom - Christopher Newport University

Neuroscience Program

Beyond the Classroom

Through innovative lab experiences, you’ll gain hands-on experience using advanced neuroscience technologies ranging from single-neuron recording to MRI and EEG. Our small class sizes guarantee that every student can explore these methods, not just see them in demonstration.

Neuroscience faculty have a rich tradition of supporting undergraduate research. Our advanced labs and facilities offer opportunities many schools only provide to graduate students. You can explore any topic that interests you, and our students frequently publish their findings in journals or present them at conferences.

We also offer hands-on opportunities through internships, clinical shadowing and community outreach at local hospitals and brain-injury rehabilitation centers. You can take control of your education by participating in advanced workshops and lectures. All these activities will expose you to clinical neuroscience and help you develop a holistic sense of what brain function means in people’s lives.

Students can unwind, engage and develop professional connections through the Neuroscience Club, the Hampton Roads Neuroscience Network and Nu Rho Psi, the neuroscience honor society.

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