Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey - Christopher Newport University

Office of the Provost

Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey

For the first time since 2012, Christopher Newport is participating in a national faculty satisfaction survey administered by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), which is affiliated with the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The faculty job satisfaction survey assesses multiple aspects of the faculty experience including teaching, research, service, tenure and promotion, and departmental engagement and collegiality, as well as other aspects of faculty life. COACHE will enable us to understand the lives of faculty at CNU and to use feedback to make data-driven changes to policies and practice to enhance faculty success.

CNU administered the COACHE to assistant professors in the 2011-2012 academic year. The results indicated that faculty perceived strengths of CNU to include collaboration and mentoring. Concerns included personal and family policies and clarity of tenure expectations. Based upon that feedback, the parental leave policy and annual meetings to discuss the promotion and tenure process were created. It is time to hear from faculty again to continue to enhance faculty success!

All full-time faculty are encouraged to participate in the survey. Greater participation will increase the odds of resulting change. We need you!

Note: The survey is funded by CNU’s recently awarded ADVANCE Catalyst grant.


  • Survey launch: February to April 2024
  • Survey conclusion and report preparations: April to June 2024
  • Delivery of results to CNU: July 2024
  • Campus-wide engagement: Fall, Winter, Spring 2024-2025

COACHE Report 2024 Areas of Strength and of Concern

  • Areas of strength were those benchmarks on which CNU ranked first or second among peers (of 5) and in top 30% of the cohort (of 85)
    • Appreciation and Recognition
    • Collaboration
    • Departmental Collegiality
    • Departmental Quality
    • Facilities and Work Resources
    • Governance: Productivity
    • Governance: Shared Sense of Purpose
    • Governance: Trust
    • Governance: Understanding the Issue at Hand
    • Health and Retirement Benefits
    • Interdisciplinary Work
    • Leadership: Departmental
    • Leadership: Faculty
    • Leadership: Divsional
    • Leadership: Senior
    • Mentoring
    • Nature of Work: Research
    • Nature of Work: Service
    • Tenure Policies
  • Areas of concerns were those benchmarks on which CNU ranked 5th or 6th among peers and in the bottom 30% of the cohort.
    • No areas of concern
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