Program Focus - Christopher Newport University

Program Focus

The Center for American Studies has worked to initiate innovative programs exploring America’s foundational principles, economic system and defense policy. We focus on three areas:

  • American founding principles and history
  • The moral foundations of capitalism
  • U.S. national security studies

America’s Founding Principles and History

Our programming examines the uniqueness of America’s experiment in democracy republicanism, constitutionalism, self-governance and individual liberties. This exploration focuses on the philosophical underpinnings, historical development, legal content and contemporary interpretations of the U.S. Constitution and the writings that influenced its structure.

Economic Foundations

Our activities also explore the link between political freedom and economic liberty, as well as the role of government in a free society. Programs and research focus on free enterprise, entrepreneurship and capitalism as foundational elements of the original American Experiment, and critically analyze the evolving role of these institutions in the U.S. and the global community.

U.S. National Security Studies

CAS programming also focuses on the history and evolution of U.S. national security policies, the current threats facing the United States, and the political and military mechanism for addressing those threats at home and abroad.

We emphasize the new dimensions of national security, including weapons of mass destruction proliferation, inspections regimes, terrorism, homeland security, intelligence and counterinsurgency operations, and energy security.

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