Stormwater Management - Christopher Newport University

Public Information

Stormwater Management

In managing the Christopher Newport campus grounds, we strive to be good environmental stewards. We work closely with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to ensure our efforts are up to current standards and practices.

If you have any questions, please contact us at (757) 594-8700 or

Program Plan

The stormwater management program plan is based on six minimum control measures as required by the Virginia General Permit. These goals and objectives were developed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the university's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) to the maximum extent practicable, protect water quality, ensure compliance with water quality standards, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the State Water Control Law and its attendant regulations. You are welcome to review and make comments on our program by filling out this form

MS4 General Permit

The General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for Discharges of Stormwater From Small MS4s requires Christopher Newport to develop and implement a comprehensive stormwater management program consistent with the Virginia General Permit.

The university re-registered for continuation of coverage on November 1, 2023 (permit number VAR040090). The new general permit is valid until October 31, 2028.

Annual Report

The MS4 Annual Report conveys the required information and details the status of compliance with all permit conditions, as well as the appropriateness of best management practices identified in the MS4 Program Plan toward achieving measurable goals for each minimum control measure.

Year PDF
2023-2024 2018-2019 Annual Report PDF

Stormwater Management Master Plan

In 2019, Christopher Newport worked with a consultant to create a Stormwater Management Master Plan. This plan provides guidance in the form of stormwater management concepts to help meet our TMDL Reduction Requirements as set forth by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. This plan addresses those requirements through 2028.

Pollution Prevention and Control

Pollution prevention is any practice that reduces, eliminates or prevents pollution at its source. Reducing the amount of pollution produced means less waste to control, treat or dispose. Less pollution also means fewer hazards are posed to public health and the environment.

Under our permit, we must develop, implement and enforce a program that includes the following six minimum control measures:

  1. Public education and outreach
  2. Public involvement and participation
  3. Illicit discharge detection and elimination
  4. Construction site stormwater runoff control
  5. Post-construction stormwater management
  6. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping

These control measures are designed and implemented to control the discharge of pollutants from our storm sewer system to the maximum extent practicable in a manner that protects the water quality in nearby streams, rivers, wetlands and bays.

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

The IDDE policy and program provide for the protection of the environment at CNU and the surrounding areas.

An illicit discharge is the discharge of any substance into a storm sewer system* that is not stormwater. Some examples of these substances include:

  • Wastewater
  • Concrete washout
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Construction waste (e.g., debris, sludge)
  • Vehicle washing
  • Paint
  • Fuels and oils
  • Pet waste

The following do not constitute an illicit discharge:

  • Discharges or flows from firefighting activities
  • Landscape irrigation and lawn watering
  • Foundation/footing drains
  • Water line flushing
  • Discharges from potable (drinkable) water sources
  • Street wash water
  • Air conditioning condensation

*Storm sewers are designed to carry stormwater and runoff. Storm sewers are not treated and lead directly into our natural environment. Substances that are not stormwater should never be released into the storm sewer system. The university's storm sewer inlets are marked with a “No Dumping – Drains to Bay” medallion.

If you witness an illicit discharge, you can report it to the Grounds Department by calling (757) 594-8700 or University Police at (757) 594-7777.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

As part of our MS4 program the university maintains a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

An SWPPP is designed to reduce the impact of stormwater runoff on receiving water bodies to the maximum extent practicable and to meet water quality standards, and identifies the following:

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training SWPPP training is available to all members of the campus community. We provide training to all employees whose job duties may include activities with the potential to contribute to stormwater pollution.

Public Education and Outreach

Description PDF
Only Rain Down the Drain
A reminder about water pollution with an emergency call list on the back.
Only Rain Down the Drain PDF
Be a Solution to Water Pollution
An informational flier about water pollution.
Be a Solution to Water Pollution PDF
Guidelines for Charity Car Wash Fund Raisers
Car washes to raise funds for charities, schools activities or community groups often occur in densely populated urban areas. Car-washing activities can affect water quality if not properly managed. Wash water from these activities may flow into surface waters or into a storm drain.
Guidelines for Charity Car Wash Fund Raisers PDF
Gardening Symposium
The Grounds Department provides an educational stormwater table at the annual Gardening Symposium. We provide advice and literature related to rain gardens, stormwater runoff, urban nutrient management and environmentally friendly landscaping.
Gardening Symposium PDF

Construction Sites

Construction projects that disturb more than one acre are required to obtain a Virginia Stormwater Management Program construction permit from the Virginia Department Environmental Quality.

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