Academic Progress - Christopher Newport University

Office of the Registrar

Academic Progress

Minimum Standards for Academic Continuance

First Semester, First-Time Freshmen

Credit Hours Attempted* Minimum GPA for Good Standing Probation GPA Range Suspension GPA Range
1-18 2.00 1.99-1.00 .99 Or Less

All Other Students and Semesters

Credit Hours Attempted* Minimum GPA for Good Standing Probation GPA Range Suspension GPA Range
1-30 2.00 1.99-1.61 1.60 Or Less
31-60 2.00 1.99-1.70 1.69 Or Less
61-75 2.00 1.99-1.80 1.79 Or Less
76-90 2.00 1.99-1.90 1.89 Or Less
91 Or More 2.00 1.99-1.98 1.97 Or Less

*Attempted credit hours are those hours for which a grade is earned at CNU (excluding I, M, AU, P, or W). Attempted credit hours are cumulative. On the academic transcript, these hours are presented as GPA hours

Academic Probation

Students who do not academically progress according to the minimum standards for continuance may be subject to academic probation. While on academic probation, students may not enroll in more than 14 credit hours. The notation Academic Probation will appear on the student’s permanent record. Students who are placed on academic probation are strongly urged to consult with their adviser and the Center for Student Success to develop strategies for improving performance. Students whose performance continues to decline may be subject to academic suspension based on the minimum standards for continuance.

Once you are placed on Academic Probation it will be noted on your web-based grade report and on your permanent record. As a student on Academic Probation you may not enroll in more than 14 credit hours. You will need to contact your advisor to adjust your course load for the next semester. If you fail to adjust your credit load during the add/drop period, the registrar will automatically do it for you.

One recommendation is to consider taking COLL 150 (2 credit class) "The Intentional Learner". This course is a great way to help you discover your role and responsibility in learning, develop good study skills and test taking strategies, create both long and short-term goals, and fully engage in your courses through the discovery of possible major options.

At CNU we want all our students to succeed. After a term that puts you on academic probation, you have various options to help you:

Do some personal reflection about the past semester. Did your classes not interest you? Did you have trouble balancing your time? Did you find it hard to take notes or struggle to prepare for your tests properly? Were outside influences affecting your studies? What can you do to make it better for the next semester?

Know your resources on campus. The Center for Student Success is committed to helping you achieve academically. The Center provides tutoring, writing consultations, and personal academic coaching. If you need a tutor, help with a paper, or someone to help you address time management, test-taking skills, or note-taking come on up to The Center located in Christopher Newport Hall 124. Don’t forget to contact your advisor so they can help you create a plan to get back on track.

Did you have a problem getting to know people around campus or finding the right activity to be involved in? There are fellows in Student Engagement that can help you find a great niche socially. If you need help with personal issues, Counseling Services can provide resources to support you.

Don’t forget about the opportunity to take course repeats. If you took a class this past semester that you did not do well in, you have the opportunity to retake the course. However, if you started and completed the course at CNU during the semester, the class must be repeated at CNU. You may not repeat a course at a local community college. Course repeats are a great way to drastically improve your GPA and help you get off Academic Probation.

Academic Suspension

Academic suspension results from the cumulative grade point average (GPA) dropping below the minimum standard for continuance while the student is on academic probation. After students have been placed on academic probation and continue to perform below minimum standards, they will be placed on academic suspension. (Note: With the exception of first-semester, first-time freshmen, a student will not be placed on academic suspension unless he/she was on academic probation for his/her previous term of enrollment at CNU.) Students who are academically suspended may not register for any class at the University for at least one regular semester (fall or spring). The notation Academic Suspension will be placed on the suspended student’s permanent academic record. Credit for courses taken at other institutions while on suspension will not be transferred to CNU.

Academic Dismissal

Students who have already been academically suspended, are on academic probation, and fail to meet minimum standards for continuance will be academically dismissed from the University. The notation Academic Dismissal will be placed on the dismissed student’s permanent academic record. Students who have been academically dismissed from CNU may not apply for readmission to the University for at least five calendar years. Such applicants’ academic records at CNU will be considered part of the relevant materials for readmission to the University.

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