Going Greener '24 - Christopher Newport University
Aerial view of campus and the river just beyond it.

Who We Are

Going Greener '24

A Note from President Kelly

We’re launching Going Greener ‘24 at CNU. It will be a year of initiatives, programs, research, faculty talks and more. We will highlight what we already do to counter climate change and take new, measurable steps to recycle more, use less energy, and move our campus toward being a model of sustainability.

This is the right thing to do for several good reasons. We will adopt new procedures and a new mindset that will position the University to succeed as our environment changes. We will save University funds through reduced energy use and materials consumption now and for years to come. As a member of a region that includes rivers, bays and an ocean, we will demonstrate that we are a good neighbor, eager to protect our beautiful corner of the world.

More than anything, though, Going Greener ‘24 is about caring for each other so that each of us, our loved ones and our children’s children, can enjoy long, healthy lives.

Updates on Areas of Focus

Energy Working Group Highlights:

  • Ongoing lighting replacements with energy-efficient LEDs
  • Mechanical systems upgrades to increase efficiency
  • Ongoing exploration of campus solarization options.
  • Carbon emissions and energy usage software rollout; see the dashboard below
  • Designing a CNU Revolving Green Fund to advance eco-friendly facilities projects (including solar).

Waste, Grounds, and Water Working Group Highlights:

  • 95% return rate of Green To Go dining hall containers.
  • GiveItUP Move-out program added permanent bin on East Campus
  • Developing standard waste management goals and procedures
  • Developing more sustainable groundskeeping practices
  • Developing sustainable landscape designs

Education, Research, and Campus Culture Working Group Highlights:

  • Ongoing Center for Sustainability in Education (CSE) events and programming supported by Sustainability Fellows and Interns.
  • Incorporating sustainability training into Setting Sail and Welcome Week.
  • Expanding existing campus collaborations around events that focus on the UN SDGs.
  • Ongoing collaborative public science research project (Fear to Hope).
  • Developing signage on campus to highlight sustainability (e.g., LEED buildings, EV stations, bike stations, pollinator garden)

Communication/Advancement/Outreach/Fundraising Highlights

  • Two funded accounts devoted to this initiative have been set up: the Going Greener 24 Fund, and the Sustainability & Campus Climate Plan (SCCP) Operating Account.
  • CNU Day 2024 giving included approximately $1000 to the Going Greener 24 Fund for visible campus projects.
  • The newly-minted CNU Strategic Compass highlights environmental sustainability in Priority IV - Build a Foundation to Thrive.
  • LEED certification plaques are being installed on the Trible Library addition and Christopher Newport Hall.

How You Can Help

Watch this space for information about contributing your insight and passion to this effort. As Go Greener ‘24 gathers momentum, it will build on the foundation set by the Zero Carbon Task Force chaired by Prof. Benjamin Redekop and the University Sustainability Committee chaired by Brian Kelley.

Energy Consumption Dashboard

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