Honor Code - Christopher Newport University

Who We Are

Honor Code

Each fall, incoming freshmen attend the Community of Scholars Convocation, where faculty, alumni and other members of the university community gather to witness the recitation and signing of the honor code. The ceremony formally welcomes new students, underscores the seriousness of our shared academic purpose and emphasizes the importance we place on living in a community of honor.

On my honor, I will maintain the highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. This means I will not lie, cheat or steal, and as a member of this academic community, I am committed to creating an environment of respect and mutual trust.

Each student is given a penny for luck and as a symbol of their commitment to keep over the next four years. During the procession to the Great Lawn at commencement, graduates toss their pennies into the Geese Fountain on Saunders Plaza.

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