Projects - Christopher Newport University

Department of Molecular Biology and Chemistry


This summer, you can choose from seven projects for your Project SEED internship. You should read each project summary and decide which project(s) you are interested in prior to applying. If you have any questions about a project, please email the corresponding faculty mentor.

Mixed-phase reactions that occur in aerosol particles are of critical importance to the atmosphere and are a crucial component of chemical reaction cycles associated with Arctic and Antarctic ozone loss, tropospheric ozone production, and acid rain. Despite the importance of mixed-phase reactions, our ability to predict the outcomes of these reactions is limited by the complexity of the environment in which they occur.

Interfaces, the boundaries between chemical phases, possess unique chemical rules that cannot be described by the extension of gas- or liquid-phase properties. In few cases are the differences between the interface and solution phase starker than the distribution of ions. Studies have shown that ions are preferentially allocated to the interface, in contrast to the uniform distributions associated with solution phase.

As ions are prevalent in large concentrations in aerosol particles, the buildup of ions in the interfaces could have substantial impact on heterogeneous reactions. We employ a variety of spectroscopic techniques centered on the use of reverse micelles in solution as proxies for sea spray aerosol particles to quantify the interfacial properties of ions.

You will learn to prepare reverse micelle particles in solution, a process that draws on skills learned in high-school chemistry. Samples will be analyzed using IR and NMR spectroscopies. You will also have opportunities to synthesize novel-surfactant molecules and monitor the success of reactions using ion-chromatography.

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation Environmental Chemical Sciences Program.

Dr. Joshua Patterson

The American Cancer Society estimates that there will have been close to 1.7 million new cases of cancer and over 600,000 cancer-related deaths in 2017. This translates to approximately 4,600 new cases and 1,650 deaths per day. As such, the need for new and innovative anticancer drugs is increasingly crucial.

Histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes are involved in the regulation of many biological processes, including cell growth and death. Because abnormal HDAC activity has been implicated in a number of diseases, including cancer, HDACs are proven targets for anticancer drug design. Indeed, four HDAC inhibitors have been approved by the FDA as chemotherapy agents.

Our research is focused on the structure determination of enzyme-inhibitors complexes for the design of new inhibitors. We are also currently investigating a new NMR-based method to measure enzyme activity, and subsequent inhibition, with promising new inhibitors.

Dr. Kathryn Cole

Petroleum is one of the most complex and critical chemical resources to the world. Asphaltenes comprise the heaviest, highly aromatic and most polar component of petroleum and can substantially influence the overall properties of petroleum. However, many of the methods involved in extracting petroleum reserves disrupt the stability of asphaltenes, resulting in clogged tubing and equipment, which ultimately influence the cost and efficiency of oil product.

In order to prevent asphaltene destabilization chemical inhibitors are frequently added during the extraction process. Despite the addition of inhibitors, asphaltene destabilization is still common. Our studies examine the fundamental chemistry behind asphaltene-inhibitor interactions and will provide a framework for new inhibitor design and improved performance based on the specific chemical profile of asphaltenes.

You will learn to prepare nonaqueous reverse micelle particles in solution, a process that draws on skills learned in high-school chemistry and incorpates elements of organic chemistry. Samples will be analyzed using IR and NMR spectroscopies.

This project is supported by the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund.

Dr. Joshua Patterson

Hydrogen gas has the potential to be alternative fuel source in place of carbon-base fuels such as gasoline. With mounting economic and environmental concerns surrounding the use of natural gas, oil and coal, the primary objective of our work is to find a new way of powering the modern world through the use of hydrogen gas.

Hydrogen is comparable with gasoline in terms of the amount of energy it is capable of releasing. However, the reaction used to generate it proceeds too slowly for any measurable amount of energy to be released in a significant way. To address this issue, our team focuses largely on identifying and applying various types of nano-catalysts to the reaction in order to increase its rate of hydrogen production to a level which would allow for sufficient amounts of energy to be released.

We synthesize and characterize a wide range of various types of nanoparticles, including graphene, carbon nanotubes, gold, silver, platinum and palladium as catalysts for the hydrogen production from HFM [1-3]. In addition, we study the effect of temperature, pH, and HFM concentration on the reaction rate to investigate to describe the optimum parameters for the catalyst and HFM [1-3].

Dr. Tarek Abdel-Fattah

In the Quinlan battery lab, we are researching degradation mechanisms of lithium ion batteries and the role of the electrode-electrolyte interphase film. Typically these films are studied after battery failure, but we want to look at the formation of the film early in the cycle life of the battery. To that end, we are searching for a facile synthesis of model positive electrode films for the directed synthesis of EEI films. You will be responsible for the synthesis of the LiMn2O4 films by a sol-gel method and will then determine the correct temperature program for the calcination of the film. After a successful synthesis, You will characterize the film using Raman spectroscopy and Profilm 3-D optical profiler.

Dr. Ronald Quinlan

Dr. Jeffrey Carney’s research program is in synthetic organic chemistry, specifically, the development of new reaction methodology and new synthetic routes to heterocyclic natural products or natural product analogs. Compounds drawn from nature are the source or the inspiration of most of the medicines available today. Our goals are to find efficient ways to make these compounds in the laboratory to allow for further study of their properties and potential medical application.


Currently, there is a series of three reactions that form a part of one of the natural products we are currently synthesizing. If you are interested in my lab, you could specifically help by running these reactions. Student skill development will include learning advanced laboratory techniques, including reaction setup, reaction workup and purification. You will also leran analytical techniques in calculating reagent amounts and molar equivalents. There will also be some exposure and introduction to the skill of interpreting various forms of structural spectroscopy.

Dr. Jeffrey Carney

The goal of this project is to measure how fast a unique plastic-eating species of bacteria, (Ideonella sakaiensis), can consume the plastic found in water bottles. We have obtained this bacterium and are growing it in the lab. We would like to learn more about how fast it can consume plastic, as well as to test different plastic containers for growth. Experiments would characterize damage to plastic by recording mass at multiple time points as well as changes in how clear the plastic is, which is also indicative of degradation of the plastic. Plastic characteristics will also be monitored. The long-term goals of the project involve carefully evolving and improving the bacterial protein that actually degrades the plastic, with the goal of developing a process to biodegrade waste plastics.

Dr. Todd Gruber

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