Anthropology - Christopher Newport University

Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology


Anthropology is the holistic study of humankind from the perspectives of culture, biology, language, and archaeology. Anthropologists work in all regions of the world to better understand what it means to be human. Studying anthropology at CNU will provide students opportunities to study the lifeways of diverse cultures, the evolutionary story of our species, the linguistic elements that contribute to how people in different language communities understand each other and the world, and the archaeological traces of past populations. The anthropology program at CNU promotes student research and provides coursework that encourages the student to get out of the classroom and into the world to study it firsthand. CNU’s location is optimal for fieldwork. The archaeological significance of southeast Virginia cannot be understated. Similarly, the opportunities for studying human adaptation to environmental change are manifold in this region. In addition, the cultural diversity of this region is wonderfully complex. Finally, CNU offers many study abroad opportunities for our anthropology students to study people in locations all over the world.

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