Appeal - Christopher Newport University

The Transfer Center


Transfer applicants who have been denied admission and have new information to present may request an appeal in writing. Applicants must adhere to the following guidelines for submitting an appeal for transfer admission:

  • Appeals are only accepted from applicants, not from parents or guardians.
  • Appeals must be submitted within 30 days of receiving the notification of the original decision.
  • Appeals must contain new information that was not included in the initial application (e.g., a new transcript if it has been determined that a professor submitted an inaccurate grade). Additional letters of recommendation are not considered new information.
  • The appeal should include an explanation of why the new information was not submitted originally.

We will notify you of a decision in writing. Please send appeals to or the following address:

Christopher Newport University
The Transfer Center
1 Avenue of the Arts
Newport News, Virginia 23606

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