Support the Center - Christopher Newport University

Support the Center

Thank you for considering helping us to meet our match goals!

We are seeking support for the following areas:

  • Compensation for student interns
    Students who choose internships at private sector employers generally receive market rate or better compensation. But strained budgets at the types of nonprofit agencies often chosen by PHC students mean little, if any, funding exists to support these important first steps in many students’ careers. We are seeking matching funds from third parties so student workers can be compensated for transportation costs and reasonable compensation for their time and effort.
  • Support of the PHC fellows
    Up to several students per year may be granted the title of PHC student fellow. These students go above and beyond the typical volunteer, and we would like to raise funds to compensate them in part for the work they do for us.
  • Operational support
    Our center is very efficient, with an extremely low operating budget considering the results we deliver. Nevertheless, secretarial support and materials (generally less than $5,000 per year) need financing.
  • Matching funds
    Several of the grants we are seeking require matching funds. When a grant application is green-lighted, we will put out a call to attract such resources. Our programs generally involve creation of state-of-the-art public history exhibits at local museums, management consulting for public history agencies and economic impact studies.

How to Give

Make checks payable to:

CNU EF: Public History Center

Mail to:
Public History Center
Christopher Newport University
1 Avenue of the Arts
Newport News, Virginia 23602-3072

Or, give online! (all major credit cards accepted)

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