Constitution Day - Christopher Newport University

Constitution Day


Immigration and the Constitution: The Clash of the Two Ilyas

Immigration and the role of the Constitution in it remains at the forefront of American political discourse. The Center for American Studies has invited professor Ilya Somin and Ilya Shapiro to debate the topic in commemoration of Constitution Day 2021.


Should the Electoral College be Reformed?

A debate between Dr. Akhil Reed Amar, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale University, and Dr. Allen C. Guelzo, Director of the James Madison Program Initiative on Politics and Statesmanship, moderated by Dr. Quentin Kidd. This debate focuses on the practical, philosophical and political viability and repercussions of reforming the Electoral College.


A Conversation with President Lincoln and Judge Douglas

Two nationally renowned historic interpreters reenact the famous war of words between Honest Abe and the Little Giant, portrayed by George Buss and Tim Connors, respectively.

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