Surface Force Projection Conference - Christopher Newport University

Surface Force Projection Conference

Enabling Dynamic Force Employment through Global Port Readiness

"Ready Now- Contested Joint Force Deployments to and through Strategic Ports"

May 14-17, 2024

Co-hosted by Christopher Newport University's Center for American Studies and the National Defense Transportation Association (NDTA)

About the Conference

 Join us as CNU's Center for American Studies and NDTA for our Annual Surface Force Projection Conference (SFPC). The SFPC brings together U.S. government and industry logistics and transportation experts, and members of the Joint Logistics Enterprise (JLE), to examine a wide range of challenges associated with deploying forces and moving sustainment to the point of need. Together we will build and strengthen our relationships, examine challenges, look for solutions, educate and collaborate and find ways to improve readiness and capacity.

Attendees will have the opportunity to attend breakout sessions and meetings, engage with notable keynote speakers, moderators, and panelists, and network at receptions and the exhibit hall. The 2024 SFPC focuses on the readiness challenges associated with deploying forces in a contested environment through strategic seaports to destinations around the world.

The 2024 SFPC will feature:

  • Meetings and Breakout Sessions – Meet, network and join the discussion with government and industry leaders covering topics on, intermodal security, port readiness, port security grants, strategic seaports, and the Joint Transportation Management System.
  • Keynote Speakers – Listen and engage with our six, senior government, military and industry keynote speakers as they discuss the contested environment, deployment operations, global force projection, evolving technology and future logistics and transportation innovations.
  • Panels – Learn from our three panels as their moderators guide the discussion on physical threats to ports, maximizing deployment flows and providing data redundancy for continuity of operations.

Please join NDTA and the CAS along with the NDTA Surface Transportation Committee and Ports Subcommittee as we team with USTRANSCOM’s Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), Military Sealift Command (MSC), U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD), the U.S. Coast Guard, the logistics and transportation industry and academia as we collaborate and work together to build logistics and transportation capability and capacity.

We will have a variety of Keynote Speakers, panel discussions, and networking breaks, along with a Welcome Reception on the 12th and a Continental Breakfast and Luncheon on the 13th. Same-day registration will occur on March 12 from 12 to 1 p.m. and March 13 from 8 to 9 a.m.

Register Here
Price Early Bird rate (on or before April 5, 2024) Regular rate (on or after April 6, 2024)
Industry Member $380 $405
Industry Non-Member $405 $430
Active Military/Government $180 $205

An optional lunch is available for Wednesday, May 15 for additional price of $15. Lunch must be purchased by May 02. If you do not order lunch in advance, it cannot be ordered on-campus. If you are unsure at the time of your registration if you will be at the event for lunch on May 15, you can return to your account profile and order lunch at a later date, but not after midnight on May 02. Lunch is non-refundable.


May 14, 2024
Time Event Location
8:00 am – 4:00 pm

MARAD Gateways Summit (by invitation only)

Moderator: Captain Jeffrey C. Flumignan, USN (Ret.), Director, Office of Maritime & Intermodal Outreach, Maritime Administration

Description: The Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) ten regional Gateway Office Directors meet annually. MARAD is pleased to hold this meeting in conjunction with the Surface Force Projection Conference.

Washington Room, David Student Union (Second Floor)
1:00 – 4:30 pm Registration Ferguson Center,
Peebles Foyer
1:00 – 4:00 pm Exhibit Hall Set-Up Ferguson Center
3:15 – 8:00 pm Port of Virginia Norfolk International Terminal Tour Port of Virginia, Norfolk International Terminal

May 15, 2024

Time Event Location
7:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration Ferguson Center,
Peebles Foyer
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Exhibit Hall Set-Up Ferguson Center
8:00 – 9:00 am

Breakout Session #1: TSA Intermodal Security Training and Exercise Program (I-STEP)

Description: This session will focus on the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Intermodal Security Training and Exercise Program (I-STEP). I-STEP is a federal exercise program focused on security in the Nation’s transportation sector that provides training and security planning tools; its mission is to enhance security and reduce risk across the transportation network.

Peebles Theatre
8:00 am – 1:00 pm

MARAD Gateways Summit (by invitation only)

Moderator:  Captain Jeffrey C. Flumignan, USN (Ret.), Director, Office of Maritime & Intermodal Outreach, Maritime Administration

Description:  The Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) ten regional Gateway Office Directors meet annually. MARAD is pleased to hold this meeting in conjunction with the Surface Force Projection Conference.

Peebles Theatre
9:00 – 11:00 am

Meeting:  U.S. Coast Guard COTP and Port Readiness Committees (PRC)

  • PRC 2023 State of the Port Reports – Common Concerns
  • PRC Concerns and Recommendations for Improvement
  • Lessons Learned – Protest Activities and Military Outload Operations
Peebles Theatre
11:00 – 11:15 am Break Ferguson Center
11:15 am – 12:15 pm

Breakout Session #2:  Port Study and Port Look Study Reports

Moderator:  Mr. Philip Krueger, Chief of Ports for National Defense, Transportation Engineering Agency, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC)

Description:  An examination of the process to write reports for National Defense Port Study and Port Look Study. 
12:15 – 1:15 pm Networking / Grab & Go Lunch (advance purchase required) Ferguson Center
1:15 – 3:00 pm

NDTA Ports Subcommittee and Strategic Ports Meeting:  Mr. Ernest Bezdek, Chair, NDTA Ports Subcommittee and Director, Trade Development at Port of Beaumont (Open to all participants)

Description: NDTA Ports Subcommittee meeting focused on identifying and resolving government and industry issues associated with ports and national defense.

Peebles Theatre
3:00 – 3:15 pm Break Ferguson Center
3:15 – 4:00 pm

Breakout Session #3:  Port Security Grants Program (Open to all participants)

Moderator:  Mr. Duane Davis, Port Security Grant Program Section Chief, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Description:  A look at the grant program controlled by Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It has major stakeholders from USCG using military allocations.

Peebles Theatre
3:15 – 5:15 pm


National Port Readiness Network (NPRN) Steering Group, Mr. Douglas Harrington, SES, Director, Acting Associate Administrator for Strategic Sealift, MARAD, and Chair, National Port Readiness Steering Group, supported by Mr. Matthew Butram, Program Analyst, Office of Sealift Support, MARAD

(Government Meeting – by invitation only)

David Student Union, Washington Room

4:00 – 5:00 pm

Breakout Session #4:  Joint Transportation Management System (JTMS) (Open to all participants)

Moderator:  Mr. Aloysius (Al) Albers, Chief, JTMS JPO Division, U.S. Transportation Command

Description:  The JTMS program office at USTRANSCOM provides an update on JTMS and answers your questions about the acqusiition process and potential capabilities.

 Peebles Theatre

5:00 – 5:15 pm Break Ferguson Center
5:15 – 7:00 pm

Chairman’s Reception

Hosted by CNU’s Center for American Studies and NDTA, with remarks by:  Dr. Nathan Busch, Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Co-Director, Center for American Studies, Christopher Newport University and VADM William “Andy” Brown, USN (Ret.), President and CEO, NDTA

David Student Union Boardroom

May 16, 2024

Time Event Location
7:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration Ferguson Center
7:00 – 8:15 am Continental Breakfast & Networking Ferguson Center
8:15 – 8:25 am

Opening Ceremony:  VADM William “Andy” Brown, USN (Ret.), President and CEO, NDTA

Color Guard:  TABB High School NJROTC
Peebles Theatre
8:25 – 9:00 am

Opening Remarks: 

  • Dr. Nathan Busch, Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Co-Director, Center for American Studies, Christopher Newport University
  • VADM William “Andy” Brown, USN (Ret.), President and CEO, NDTA
  • MG Gavin Lawrence, USA, Commanding General, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
  • Mr. Douglas Harrington, SES, Acting Associate Administrator for Strategic Sealift, Maritime Administration, and Chair, National Port Readiness Network (NPRN) Steering Group
Peebles Theatre
9:45 – 10:15 am

Keynote Speaker #1:  Lieutenant General Heidi J. Hoyle, USA, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4, United States Army

Topic:  Fighting Through the Contested Environment to Deliver Logistics

Description:  Thoughts about the contested environment and how the Army is working with the Joint Staff J4 to deliver on time and on target.

Peebles Theatre
9:45 – 10:15 am Networking Break/Expo Ferguson Center

10:15 – 11:30 am

Panel #1: Physical Threats to Ports and What to do About it

Moderator: Captain Jennifer Stockwell, Commander, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Virginia


• Mr. William Burket, Director, Maritime Incident Response Team and Emergency Operations, Port of Virginia

Description:  Understanding potential threats to deployment readiness focused on port infrastructure and operations.

Peebles Theatre
11:30 am – 12:00 pm Break and Transition to David Student Union
12:00 – 1:15 pm

Luncheon Keynote Speaker #2: Major General Constance L. Jenkins, USAF, Director of Logistics and Engineering, J4, Headquarters, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)

Topic: Supporting Deployment Operations from the United States

Description: This discussion focuses on understanding USNORTHCOM’s role in supporting mobilization and deployment operations in the United States.

David Student Union Ballroom
1:15 – 1:30 pm Transition to Ferguson Center
1:30 – 2:15 pm

Keynote Speaker #3: MG Gavin Lawrence, USA, Commanding General, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command

Topic: Power Projection By, With, and Through Strategic Seaports

Description: A discussion of SDDC’s mission to support power project to and through the Strategic Seaports.

Peebles Theatre
2:15 – 3:30 pm Panel #2:  TBD Peebles Theatre
3:30 – 4:00 pm Networking Break/Expo Hall Ferguson Center
4:00 – 4:45 pm

Keynote #4: Mr. William Woodhour, President & Chief Executive Officer Maersk Line, Limited

Topic: Challenges Sailing through the Gulf of Aden

Description: A discussion about operating in today’s contested environment, challenges and successes.

Peebles Theatre
4:45 – 6:30 pm President’s Reception
Hosted by CNU and NDTA
Ferguson Center

May 17, 2024

Time Event Location
7:00 – 9:00 am Registration Ferguson Center
7:00 – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast & Networking Ferguson Center
8:00 – 8:15 am

Opening Comments and Conference Take-Away Review

  • VADM Andy Brown, USN (Ret.), President and CEO, NDTA
  • Mr. Ernest Bezdek, Chair, Ports Subcommittee, leads a review of SFPC Takeaways from Day 1 and 2.
Peebles Theatre
8:15 – 9:00 am

Keynote Speaker #5: Major General Lance G. Curtis, USA, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4, United States Army Forces Command (USFORSCOM)

Topic: Deploying the Force: A View of Logistics and Transportation Force Deployment Challenges and Innovations

Description: An update on Army logistics and transportation force deployment challenges and innovations.

Peebles Theatre
9:00 – 10:15 am

Panel #3:  Decision Advantage Information to Enable Surface Force Projection and Sustainment


  • Mr. William Foster, JTMS Functional Manager, U.S. Transportation Command
  • Mr. Ken Letcher, PhD, Specialist Leader, Deloitte
  • Mr. Josh Hunt, Chief, ITV/AIT Branch, USTRANSCOM J4-LT
  • Mr. Eric Russell, Deputy Section Chief, Cyber Operations, Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Description: The utility of information flows that align and synchronize the flow of materiel under contingency conditions that are cross-cutting, i.e., require multiple elements) to see, anticipate and act of force projectio operations that eventually converge on a seaport.

Peebles Theatre
10:15 – 10:45 am Networking Break/Expo Hall Ferguson Center
10:45 – 11:30 am

Keynote Speaker #6: RDML Philip Sobeck, USN, Commander, Military Sealift Command

Topic: Partnering Together for Effective Operations

Description: This discussion focuses on how MSC and SDDC as the single port manager work together to ensure the smooth upload/offload and on-time departure of deploying forces. Ensuring the port environment is safe, the upload is efficient, and equipment is properly secured for transit and ready for smooth discharge takes preparation and practice.

Peebles Theatre
11:30 am – 12:00 pm

Wrap-up/Closing Thoughts & Action Item Review

  • Mr. Ernest Bezdek (Action Item Review)
  • Mr. Douglas Harrington, SES, MARAD
  • MG Gavin Lawrence, USA, SDDC
  • VADM Andy Brown, USN (Ret.), NDTA
  • Dr. Nathan Busch, CNU
Peebles Theatre
12:00 – 1:00 pm Exhibit Hall Breakdown Ferguson Center
1:15 – 3:00 pm

National Port Readiness Network (NPRN) Working Group, Mr. David Hatcher, SES, Director, Office of Sealift Support, MARAD, supported by Mr. Matthew Butram, Program Analyst, Office of Sealift Support, MARAD

(Government Meeting – by invitation only)

David Student Union, Washington Room

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