Teacher Workshops - Christopher Newport University

Teacher Workshops

Civil Disobedience in American History

Saturday, April 20, 2024, 8:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.

Christopher Newport University’s Center for American Studies and Teaching American History will co-sponsor a one-day workshop on civil disobedience in American history at Christopher Newport University. By discussing primary source documents from the American founding, attendees will discuss the arguments favoring and against civil disobedience to determine if it is a suitable response to unjust laws.

  • Attendees are encouraged to read the primary source documents before attending the workshop to enable discussion.
  • Upon completion of the workshop, teachers will receive a letter of attendance.
Register Here

The American Civil War Museum

Wednesday, July 20, 2022, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Meet us at the American Civil War Museum in Richmond. We will tour the exhibits, take a walking tour of the Civil War industrial waterfront, speak with the curators and hear from Christopher Newport’s Dr. Jon White, whose most recent book is A House Built by Slaves: African American Visitors to the Lincoln White House. Sponsored by Christopher Newport University’s Center for American Studies.

  • Maximum registration of 25 teachers
  • Transportation is NOT provided
  • Lunch is provided
  • Teachers receive a certificate for 6 professional development hours

Register at bit.ly/CNU-AmerCivilWarCtr

The American Revolution: 1763-1783

July 21-23, Thursday noon to Saturday noon

Christopher Newport University’s Center for American Studies will sponsor a three-day workshop on the American Revolution. Examine the ideas and actions that shaped the modern history of North America. The experience will include a walking tour of Colonial Williamsburg and a visit to the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown. How can we make the story our nation’s revolutionary founding central to the education of every young American citizen?

  • Only 35 teachers will be selected
  • Teachers will receive a stipend of $250 upon completion
  • Meals are provided for the duration of the program
  • Free accommodations are available on request in Christopher Newport residence halls
  • Teachers receive a certificate for 20 professional development hours

Register at bit.ly/CNU-AmerRev

Principles of American Government

July 24-26, Sunday noon to Tuesday noon

Christopher Newport University’s Center for American Studies will sponsor a three-day workshop on American government. How have “We the People” shaped and crafted our institutions into the system we know today? Teachers will visit Historic Jamestowne and the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown for an on-site experience with archaeologists and historians, work with scholars, and shape lessons for their classroom. How can we employ the history of American representative government to help students grapple with their role as 21st-century citizens?

  • Only 35 teachers will be selected
  • Teachers will receive a stipend of $250 upon completion
  • Meals are provided for the duration of the program
  • Free accommodations are available on request in Christopher Newport residence halls
  • Teachers receive a certificate for 20 professional development hours

Register at bit.ly/CNU-AmerGovt

Mariners’ Museum and Park

Wednesday, July 27, 2022, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Meet us at the Mariners’ Museum and Park in Newport News. We will tour the exhibits, including the USS Monitor, and focus on the maritime history of Africans and African Americans, women, indigenous populations, and more. Sponsored by Christopher Newport University’s Center for American Studies.

  • Maximum registration of 25 teachers
  • Transportation is NOT provided
  • Lunch is provided
  • Teachers receive a certificate for 6 professional development hours

Register at bit.ly/CNU-Mariners

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